Second Bonfire

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Later at the Bonfire. Ingrid was sitting next to Minho and the other Runners just talking about random stuff.
Newt: Hell of a first day, Greenie, here
Newt gives Thomas a cup of some sort of liquid.
Newt: Put some hair on your chest
Ingrid walks over to them.
Ingrid: I wouldn't drink that if I was you, Greenie
Ingrid sits between Newt and Greenie. Greenie drinks it and immediately spits it out.
Greenie: Oh
Ingrid: I warned you
Greenie: Oh my god what is that?
Newt: I don't even know
Ingrid: I'm Ingrid by the way, Newt's sister
Newt: And the fastest Runner ever and maybe the strongest besides Alby
Greenie: I thought you can only remember your name
Ingrid: Maybe if you have a sibling here you remember them I'm not that sure
Greenie: We're trapped here, aren't we?
Newt: For the moment
Ingrid: But do you see the people over there
Ingrid points to a group of guy's.
Ingrid: Those are my gang the Runners and that guy in the middle there that's Minho, every morning we run the Maze, mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out
Greenie: How long have you been looking?
Ingrid: Me a year them 3 years
Greenie: And you haven't found anything?
Newt: It's a lot easier said than done, listen
They hear the Maze rumbling in the distance.
Newt: Hear that? That's the Maze changing it changes every night
Greenie: How is that even possible?
Newt: You can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet the bastards
Ingrid: Well nice talking to you two, see you around Greenie
Ingrid went back to the other Runners.
Newt: Listen, the truth is the Runners are the only ones that really know what's out there they're the strongest and fastest of us all and it's a good thing too because if they don't make it back before those doors close they're stuck out there for the night and no one's ever survived a night in the Maze
Greenie: Do you worry about Ingrid a lot when she is out there?
Newt: All of us, look everyone here is very protective of my sister, even Gally, anyway if Ingrid dies in the Maze we all will be heart broken
Greenie: What happens to them?
Newt: Well, we call them Grievers, Of course no one's ever seen one and lived to tell about it but they're out there
Greenie stays silent just looking at the Maze.
Newt: Right, well, that's enough questions for one night come on, listen you're supposed to be the guest of honor
Greenie: Oh, well
Newt: No, no, no, come on let me show you around
Greenie: I really I'm...
Newt gets Greenie up and they start walking around.
Newt: Over there we've got the Builders very good with their hands but not a lot going upstairs and then we got Winston he's the Keeper of the Slicers and we got two Medjacks, Clint and Jeff
Clint: Oh, hey, what's up?
Jeff: Yo, Newt
Newt: They spend most of their time bandaging up the Slicers
Greenie: What if I wanna be a Runner?
Newt chuckles.
Newt: Have you listened to a word I just said? No one wants to be a Runner and besides, you gotta get chosen
Greenie: Get chosen by who?
Gally: Huh? What do you say, Greenie? Wanna see what you're made of
Crowd: Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!
Greenie steps into the circle.
Gally: Okay, all right, the rules are simple, Greenie, I try and push you out of the circle you try and last more face second's, ready
Greenie nod's. They start to fight and Ingrid notices how strong Greenie is.
Gally: Come on Greenie we're not done yet
Zart: Show us what you got
Greenie: Stop calling me Greenie
Gally: Stop calling you that? What do you wanna be called? Shank?What do you think guy's? Does he look like a Shank?
Ingrid: The only Shank here is you Gally
Gally: Ingrid you wanna try and help him or just be like a girl and stay on the side line
Newt: Gally you just got onto her bad side
Gally: I messed up didn't I?
Ingrid: Oh you just wait
Ingrid steps into the circle standing beside Greenie.
Gally: Isn't that kinda unfair
Ingrid: If you think you can beat a girl you have nothing to worry about then
Gally: Your putting yourself in danger
Ingrid: You clearly don't remember the first night I was here do you?
Gally: Nope
Ingrid turns to face Greenie.
Ingrid: Come on let's show what we are made of
They started attacking Gally and he fell over.
Greenie: Not bad for a Greenie huh?
Then Gally made Greenie fall to the ground hard.
Ingrid: You're gonna pay for that
Ingrid punched him in the stomach then in the face to make him fall down then Ingrid quickly ran over to Greenie.
Ingrid: Hey you alright Greenie
Greenie: Thomas
Ingrid: What?
Thomas: Thomas, hey, Thomas! Heh I remember my name I'm Thomas
The crowd cheers and Ingrid helps Thomas up.
Ingrid: Nice to meet you Thomas
Frypan: Welcome home Thomas
Gally: Good job Thomas
Thomas: Yeah
Ingrid: Gally I think you have some apologies to give to me
Gally: Fine I'm sorry Ingrid
Ingrid: Fine I don't forgive you
Gally: But I apologized
Ingrid: And I don't forgive you
Then there was a scream from the Maze.
Thomas: What the hell was that?
Gally: That my friend was a Griever
Newt: Don't worry, You're safe here with us
Gally: Nothing gets through those wall's
Alby: All right guys, let's tuck it in for the night, come on it was a good night
Chuck: Hey Ingrid can you sing to me
Ingrid: Of course
Chuck and Ingrid went over to Chuck's hammock and Thomas followed.
Thomas: So you are close with Chuck
Ingrid: I just sing to him to help him fall asleep
Thomas: That's nice, Newt told me that everyone is very protective of you, is that true?
Ingrid: Yes it is sadly
Thomas: What do you mean sadly?
Ingrid: It's kinda annoying I already have one protective brother I don't need 50 more
Ingrid chuckles.
Chuck: Ingrid can you sing the song about the Maze
Ingrid: Sure
Chuck gets in his hammock and Ingrid starts to sing.
Ingrid: Where the vines growing and boy's play race
there is a door with mystery's inside
no,no no one knows what is inside it the
mystery of the Maze
little boys run through the Maze
sometimes coming out and
sometimes trapped inside it all
in the mystery of the Maze
There is creatures inside terrifying
creature so we are told to never go
inside but that is away out in the
Mystery of the Maze
One by one a boy comes up here
Each every month but they never know
About the Mystery of the Maze
Chuck falls fast asleep.
Ingrid: Well that was quick
Thomas: You have a great voice
Ingrid: Thanks Tommy, is it okay if I call you that?
Thomas: Of course
They were lost in each other's eyes.
Thomas: Nice bracelet
Ingrid: Thanks, Newt made it for me
Thomas: What are the charms for?
Ingrid: When I came up the boys that I was close with made a charm and if they get pushed into the Maze someone will give me their charm, even Gally made one you know everyone besides Gally has a soft spot for me, right?
Thomas: So do I
They got lost in each other's eyes.
Ingrid: Well I should go to bed
Thomas: Same
Ingrid: Good night Tommy
Thomas: Good night Ingrid
Ingrid walks off to her hut with a smile on her face.

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