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Here and there, Enjoy reading.🧡💙


Nunew's POV

After all those heavy conversations, we both did the chores in the kitchen. Soon, Fa Ying also woke up and oh my! she is such an adorable kid.

I can't believe Hia asked me to be his boyfriend. Does it even make sense? Am I dreaming? But just now checked I wasn't. Must it be that Hia has hit his head somewhere and gone crazy? But then it is more likely for me to go crazy than Hia. Ah~ I don't know what to do anymore. I love Hia but I didn't prepare myself for this. Who knew Hia had been my boyfriend in the past, of which I had no memory?

"Nhu, what are you doing outside holding your head? Are you having a headache? Let me see." even before I could utter something Hia was already caressing my head and looking concerned at me.

"Hia, what good deeds did do in my past life to have you?" I said jokingly but Hia's hands stiffen. I thought I said something I shouldn't have. Just as I was about to apologize.

"I have heard you ask me this question so many times and I have answered you so many times that it's me who should've done something good to have this cute little guy here."

"Hia~ you're flattering me." my cheeks painted red from Hia's words. He is such a smooth talker.

"Am I? I just said the truth, didn't I?"He said with a teasing smile. I know he is doing this deliberately. "Nhu won't say anything now. Hia keeps teasing me." I stamped my foot lightly on the ground. A loud laugh resounded in my ears. Really? You're laughing at me. "Go away, I won't talk to you anymore." I turned my back on him. Must be having fun teasing me.

"Are you mad at Hia? Hia is sorry na, no more teasing. Please turn to me." My lips automatically curled up. How can I disobey when he is talking so softly? I turned to him again and Hia gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. I looked down knowing my eyes are sending hearts right now.

"Let's go inside, Hia. Where is Ying?" I diverted the topic.

"She is watching cartoons."

today I had lots of fun, Hia was so playful. If I didn't witness it with my eyes I  would've never believed that the man who looked so cold in a suit would be this playful. I was so distracted in playing with them that I didn't notice someone had entered inside and I think even Hia was unaware of that.

"Having fun that you forgot to pick up your friend here." A deep voice came from the entrance. Just that and I was electrified, my body became. I quickly grabbed Hia's clothes tightly and Hid behind him.

"H-Hia..." My voice trembled. I thought I had overcome the trauma, I stopped having negative thoughts and traumatic flashes a few days ago. My emotion was also controlled and I had no difficulty being around Hia. Then, Why now? Why is my body reacting like this? I was fine with Ying. I was fin when I was with Hia.

"Who is that?" The foreign voice came even closer to me. I tightened my hold on Hia and closed my eyes. My breathing quicking up and my knuckles were turning white.

"It's alright, Nhu. He is my friend. He won't hurt you." Hia's hands wrapped around mine and I buried my nails in his hand. I'm sure it would leave a mark later. "Net, You should've called me before you arrive. If you come so suddenly you'll only scare Nhu." Hia's voice came rougher than how he usually talks to me.

"Alright, Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to scare him." The guy whom Hia called Net said looking apologetic. I felt guilty knowing he didn't mean any harm but I wasn't able to say anything.

TraumaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon