Im horrible for you.

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry mommy, but at the moment like you said I'm in a very fragile place right now. I really mean it when I say I assure you I'm safe and sound." He said reassuringly. He got giddy and said "And look I have Lilac and Isis to protect me." He smiled at her while gripping her hand. She stared at him with frustration in her gaze, her eyebrows furrowed. "Indigo, what happens when they graduate?" She turned her whole body around to face him. "Hmm. Or what happens if they can't protect because your not in reach or even telling them."

"I mean for god sakes indigo you had a whole argument with your sister, twice, TWICE." She held two fingers up as she exclaimed to him. "And you refuse to give me a reason to it. If you won't tell me who will you tell...your stupid journal." She murmured the end part. His head crooked at that. He tried to convince himself that was just nothing, but his mother quickly covering her mouth left him with little hope.

"What?" His voice was dry and left very little for her to respond. "What book are you speaking of. The one that went missing from my room. The one that I had been panicking about for about a week." His chest visibly raised as his face reddened. He boiled up inside feeling the bursting sting of heat crawl up his neck. He rested against his palm and just breathed out. "Fuck" he whispered under his breath.

"Look I'm sorry you just weren't telling me anything and I was so worried. I just needed to know." She went on noticing his lack of noise. "You say nothing and wait for it to blow up in your face. And by then when it's done and finished I feel I would lose you." She sat back rubbing her forehead of it ache. "You act just like dad. You don't say a thing until I'm forced to find out."

She went to go stare up at him only to find a boy with dead expression. His pupils dilated, then shrink. His eyes filled with passionate red glare looking as if they would drill a hole straight through her. He lift his hand wanting to hit something, but gave up midway down. Slacking his fist pathetically. His eyes welled up with tears filling up his vision. "I'm not my father!" He cried out. "Im nothing like him, he left, he left and and." He looked at the floor of the car noticing under his shoe a dried leaf tracked in from outside. "He put you through so much because you allowed him. He adamantly showed you who he was, and yet you still stayed." He said digging his head in his hands.

"I was a kid, and I had to force you to get out of bed when you couldn't. You fell apart anytime he left and we were left to pick you up because you let your emotions guide your resolve instead of thinking of the kids you had...So yeah I write in a fucking book." Saying the last words roughly as possible. "I'm nothing like him, I say nothing to protect you, not to hide my wrongdoings." He grabbed his things and hopped out the car as soon as it stopped. Closing the door he jogged as fast as possible from the car view.

His lungs weren't the best he knew that, yet running was all he wanted to do. He knew all to well how bad life was for him too. He was a bunch of un's wrapped into mess of a human. Undeveloped lungs, Unrequited love, Unreliable body, Unrealistic expectations, and Unkind people. To much for him handle and sometimes he wish he could just...let it all drown him and undone himself in its wastage. meeting an end most unforgivably adequate.

He stared at the ground filling the cold air wash away his tears. he continued down a slope where a forest met him toward the edge. He stepped through it just breathing it all in. A sharp pang in his chest stayed with him. He held it in firm fist on his chest trying subdue it. He sat on the nearest log feeling the wetness from yesterdays rain seep into his pants.

"I need someone, anyone will do." He said toward the sky above him. "Please!" He pleaded once more, but the silence of the forest only answered him.
He stood up and made way further down the forest. He continued this until a path was laid out in front him. He walked the path until he reached a rocky hill. He climbed the wall until the warm light of the sun bathed him. He rose from the ground closing his eyes as he walked into the sun. Dried blood left on his face had sparkled like red gems.

Beautiful boy named Indigo stood as the pink sky dressed him in a wonderful tint. The ground beneath had sullied his shoes sticking to his soles more and more as he moved forward. Green golden irises shimmered in its sockets and his lips and face grew feverish. His eyes searched the area seeing a house wooden at the end. It was comfortable enough for him to pull close to it.

Chimes banged against each other as the wind grazed them. A multitude of them had hanged from the house. Metal, glass, and wood alike combined to make an amazing display of sounds that reminded him of the day he spent with Isis. And then suddenly it clicked it was her house. The redwood house was her house. He felt happier with each passing step in getting near.

"Am I stalking? Is this stalking?" He stopped at the steps before going further. A weird feeling resided in him. He sat down on the last step just looking onward.


Her hand twisted the knob opening the door. A whip of air surged its way into her chest taking her breath away. Her eyes close reacting to sheer strength of the wind. Opening her lids her eyes drift down. A shaggy flow of golden hair moved with the wind like golden flames. Almost immediately she said, "Indigo?". His head twisted quickly to face her before jumping up when really looking at her.

"Umm I'm sorry. I uh kinda just found myself here. I really don't know how I got here. I'm sorry, I'll leave." He moved forth but she ran downstairs and grabbed him back. "Indigo where are you going?" She frantically grabbed him. "If you don't know how you got here what makes you think you can find your way back?" She huffed at him analyzing his face. "What happened indigo. Was it Ant-" she was about to go off as she noticed blood in him. "No it's not him." He lifted his hand to her attention.

"I got cut, it was really bad." He chuckled feeling stupid while explaining it to her, while also hoping she would dote over him. "It was from inventory and I got snagged by the razor thing." She grabbed his hand and began to rub it. He watched her carefully as she took to him. Isis was readable person at times. He could tell her concern as she observed him and he liked it.

"Sit, ill be back." She went in the house and came back soon with a rag in hand. She applied the warm cloth to his skin. It felt good against his face as she dutifully soaked the rag into his skin rubbing the blood from his face and hand. "Do you wanna talk?" She paused, laying the cloth clasp in her lap as she stared at him. He blinked at her hand laid in her lap. He picked her hands up and softly rested his head on her thighs. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent emitting from her.

He took her one hand and placed it in his hair and placed the other holding the cloth on his cheek facing up. She fingered his curls and separated the knots visible in his hair. She wiped his cheek with the cloth smoothly tracing the features of his face. They did this for next 1 hour until she stopped rubbing his face. "Indigo." She whispered, "the cloth is cold." She followed. She grazed the side of his face with the back of her hand. "You're cold, let's go inside." She picked up his head and stood up. She grabbed his arm and lead him into the house closing the door behind them.

"Sorry, I'm horrible aren't I?" He said earnestly. "No, I liked that I could help you indigo." She said taking a blanket from the closet. She walked his direction until she stood in front him. She wrapped an blanket over his shoulders joining the ends together. "You know I'm going to have to call your mom." She let out. "I know, just not yet. Please."

She nodded her head before sitting across him. "Take your time, you're still cold." She pinched his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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