He looks at me, leaning a bit closer. "Basketball, you're tall." He brings his legs up, sitting on them comfortably.

I look down to his legs, then back up to him before I shake my head with a smile. "Nope. Guess again."

He frowns. "Soccer?" He tilts his head.

"Half correct. I played soccer, and swam." I say, smiling.

"You didn't say there were two." He says it normally, but you can hear the whine behind it.

I chuckle. "That's on me, I'm sorry."

"Do you still play sports?" He asks, tilting his head. "Do you have any other hobbies?"

"I don't really play sports anymore, just dancing is my workout." I say, and look away. "Um, I like to paint. Draw, paint— whatever. I also read a little bit." I say, nodding my head and looking back.

I look at him, and furrow my brows. "Why do you look surprised?"

He wipes the look of surprise off his face right as I say that. "I'm not—" He chuckles. "You just don't seem like the type of guy to paint, so it's a little shocking."

"Really?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"Yeah." He says, nodding.

He is about to speak again, but the door to the studio opens. The rest of the members come piling in, all in their own conversations. Felix looks over to me, then to Seungmin. He has a curios look on his face, but it changes to a smile as he runs to me.

"Hey you." He smiles, tossing his bag and climbing onto the couch to sit next to me.

I smile. "Hey."

He leans his head on my shoulder, so I lay mine on top of his. Seungmin keeps his eyes on me, or Felix and I, but looks away when I look to him. I look away as well.

"You guys are here early." Chan says at he walks in, smiling.

I don't reply, because I'm watching who steps in behind him. He looks handsome as ever, in all black. He looks over to me for a quick second, his eyes then looking to Felix who lays on me, before looking away. He didn't glare this time, so that's good I guess. However, I like it when he looks at me. I can give him dirty looks then.

"Yeah, I woke up early." Seungmin says, and I look over to him. He stretches, before standing up and walking to Chan. "I thought I'd come in early, but then Hyunjin came in." He looks to me and smiles.

"I thought I'd be the first here." I say, smiling back to him.

Seungmin looks away, still smiling. "Cool guy." He motions to me while he looks at Chan, before waking over to Jeongin and Minho.

Chan looks over to me, then away. "Alright, let's get started then." He claps his hands, and everyone gets up and sort of comes together on the middle where he is.

I bring my foot up, stretching my leg. I continue to whistle, and look around at everybody. My eyes meet Minho, who's leaning against the couch with his arms crossed. He glares at me, so I roll my eyes and stop whistling and look away.

"Okay, so.." Chan turns around, looking at all of us. "I have a special song for Hyunjin to dance too, as his introduction. Just like all of you had, he's going to post a special dance video to kinda reveal himself to fans."

He looks to me. "It's Play with Fire, by Sam Tinnesz." He says. "I want you to create a choreo, and perform it. You can chose the style, what you wear, where you dance. Make it your own, and then come back to me. Okay?"

"Okay." I nod my head. "Thank you."

I start thinking of ideas already. The mention of my own dance gets my excited. This is my chance to kind of show my style, and what the fans should expect. I smile.

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