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Kim p.o.v: I shut my eyes tight as I herd my sister getting burned by I thought I knew him pretty well becous everytime I have a run in with the cops he always seem to be there and I also knew him as my sisters former boss he seemed pretty nice to me.... But I never thought he would do anything like this..I'm scared and ready to go I want to be mad at Manda so bad but I know I can't because I don't know what's going on...I really wish he would stop touching and torturing my sister it's making me sick and I can't do nothing about it but watch and cry...

Patton p.o.v: Amanda I really wish you would still acting shy in front of your sister....I mean she is your sister's not like she haven't ever seen you naked before.....oooo I know why your acting like this, because you don't want your sister to find out about our relationship...o my sweet Amanda you haven't told your sister about us yet? Well I think it's time don't you?

Amanda p.o.v: I looked at Patton completely shocked he really wanted me to answer this ridiculous qestion..."Umm chief Patton sir.. I don't know what your talking about, we never had a relationship"

Patton p.o.v: O..come on Amanda we're way past that don't you you are telling me that your denying all the times we met up, all the good sex and conversations we had...come on Amanda let's tell your sister the truth hear

Amanda p.o.v: PATTON THAT WASENT SEX WE HADE IT WAS "RAPE" I never agreed to it not once...and you forced me...and those times we met up I had to and you know that..but it was never a date you've completely misinterpreted things and my sister doesn't need to hear any of this.

Patton p.o.v: first of all Amanda your gonna stop all that godamn yelling..and so that time in the hotel was rape? I thought I hers you say "OK but take it slow" that dosent sound like a rape victims words, in fact I thought OK ment consent or permission...ddnt never call me a lier Amanda o..and what do you mean your sister don't need to hear any of this...what you don't want her to know how your a dirty whore and that the only way you got your position at svu is because you slept with most of the crew becous your transcript sure as hell wasn't gonna get you in and that lady cop you always be around middle hight brown hair...Ummm what's her name.......uhh Olivia yeah that's her, now Amanda I knew you wasn't always qwite right with the guys...but I never thought you would go that route...o.. Now don't get me wrong she is a nice looking woman but I just never thought of you two having a affair...let's see what your sister have to say about all this...

Kim p.o.v: I jumped a little as he snatched the tape off my mouth....I looked at him and he told me I was allowed to talk...I really just wanted to ask Amand was any of this I asked her, Manda...did you really have sex with him...and liv.......Manda I thought yall was just really close friends

Amanda p.o.v: I looked at Kim with total Disgust on my face...I mean how could she my own sister believe anything that came out of Patton's mouth...."really Kim how can you even ask me that...

Kim p.o.v: now with tears falling down my face I was really upset and just wanted a straight answer because when Manda avoid my qestion like that there is always some sick turn to it..i remember growing up and she used to do this it always ended up getting her Into some kind of I looked at her teary eyed and told her Amanda please just answer my qestion did you or did you not have consented sex with chief Patton..and you and liv is it true??

Amanda p.o.v:......Kim.. You won't understand I...


Amand p.o.v:ok...OK...Kim...I did... Have consented sex with him..ONCE, b..but I had to you.....

Kim p.o.v: hot tears running down my face now more than last time....I looked at Amand and cut her off dead in the middle of her sentence I didn't want to hear anymore...."what about you and liv is it true Amand"

Amand p.o.v: no...No not at all that's not true olive is just one of my co-workers I promise, me and Olivia have never had any kind of sexual relationship

Kim p.o.v: you know Amand come to think of it I find that hard to believe....all the times you promised me that it was just gonna be me and you just hanging out...what happens you always end up bringing her along or either our plans always get ruined becous of Olivia this... Olivia that.. Liv want this.... Or liv need know it seems to me that she always want you to come in for can be 4:00 in the morning and she call your phone wanting you to come in for work...I mean I know there's other detectives she can call....

Amand p.o.v: are you serious Kim? The reason why I always invite her to join us because Olivia dosent have a family...all she does is work and if she's not doing that then she's at home alone pondering on a case or something.....this job is hell and it's nice to get away if you can and all I'm doing is trying to get her away from the job sometimes..even though she never ask, and of course there's other detectives she can call but what you don't understand Kim is that if she call one she's calling all... Not just me and in the line of work im in it's not unusual for her to call me at all kinds of time..but I guess you wouldn't know anything about a job or how to manage one considering the fact that you don't have one..

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