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A p.o.v: I tried to quietly open the door to the cabin but it was no need, soon as I stepped foot in the lights flipped on and there was olive standing there looking at me trying to get a explanation as to why I'm coming in so late and wher is the rest of my clothes.

O p.o.v: Ummm hello, Amand Im Asking you a qestion do you not know that we have a case that we got to get prepared for in the morning and you walking in here late and half naked isn't helping! I stayed up waiting for you to come in and I'm already tired and exhausted then you walk in like this...ignoring me.

A p.o.v: GODDAMMIT OLIVIA!! I'm grown I don't need a curfew from you I can come in whenever I want and however I want, your not my mom and I wish you would stop acting like it I'm fine I assure you.... I say as I push past her and walk straight to my room not looking back.....

O p.o.v: wow I say to myself feeling a little hurt by Amandas words, maybe I am being a little too overprotective over her but I still want to know what really happened I mean you don't just go to a bar and come back with half of Your clothes missing...just let it go Olivia let it go I say to myself so I decided to not worry about it tonight and went and got into bed we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow...

why me!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz