Chapter 11

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~Leonora's POV(5 Years Later)~

   I grunted as the sword skimmed my side briefly as I stepped out of the way. I held my dagger tightly as I stood facing my enemy. I flashed my violet eyes and magicked chains to wrap around their figure. They fell hard and I smirked as they struggled knowing the chains would only wrap tighter. I kneeled down and ran my dagger along their jawline as they glared at me.

"And here I thought good was powerful. I guess I was wrong." I brought my hand back, holding the dagger, but gasped as pain erupted from my leg. I looked down and saw their own dagger digging into my thigh. I growled as I kicked them away from me and held the dagger in place not wanting to bleed out. I tried standing up but I had to hold onto something for support. A hand held me up by my throat and I clenched my teeth as the dagger was ripped from my leg. I stared into the princes' brown eyes waiting for him to kill me.

"Just do it." I choked out as I waited for him to decide.

"No. I'm not going to kill you. You can bleed all alone in this forest." He dropped me on the forest floor and I coughed trying to catch my breath. I watched them walk away and I chuckled knowing he was too weak.

"You're weak. No wonder your brother got the throne instead of you." I watched them become rigid and I smirked as they turned around slowly. I sat against a tree as they stalked back over.

"I'm not the weak one. He just wants peace but that's something I know nothing about." He drew his sword and just about ran it through me.

"Get off me! She's the evil one!" I opened my eyes again and saw the king holding back his brother as the queen kneeled by me.

"Don't worry. You'll be just fine." I kept my eyes on the brothers until a hand put pressure on my leg.

"AH-FUCK!" I cursed as I threw my head against the tree.

"Peter no!" I gasped as I felt cool metal against my shoulder. I looked down and saw the same dagger, dug into the hilt, right above my breast. I brought my hand up and yanked it out and watched the blood pour out. I laughed as I watched them stare at me like I was crazy.

"You know, I always knew you were evil. Now I know..." I grunted as I laid my head back applying pressure to the wound on my shoulder.

"We need to get help." I heard the queen saw but I couldn't make out the faces; my vision was swimming.

"The" I only heard clips and then nothing at all.

   I gasped as I opened my eyes and saw a bright ceiling with heaven like details. I tried moving but it hurt to do that. I turned my head around and saw I was back at The School for Good and Evil. I remembered the architecture well and knew I was in good hands even if I didn't want to be here. I saw one of the fairies and they flew over seeing that I was awake. They called out to a couple others and had me sit up. I didn't say anything until the door opened again to reveal a person, not a fairy.

"Thank you, Athea, I got it from here." I know that voice. I looked at the poufy dress that housed sun kissed skin leading up to deep brown eyes that held so much care and wisdom.

"Lesso. It's been a while, hasn't it?" It was her; Clarissa. I tried moving up some and hissed as I couldn't put any weight on my left arm. I felt myself being moved up and I silently thanked her for the magic. Magic. I didn't feel mine at all.

"We had to lock your magic to get your wounds tended to. You kept lashing out." Clarissa explained as she sat at the foot of my bed.

"I wonder why." I said hoarsely and coughed. I grabbed the water on the table and sighed as I drank the entirety of it. I looked down at my leg and saw it was wrapped tightly, the same went for my wound on my shoulder. I didn't feel much pain but moving caused it to flare up immensely.

"What happened? You came in unconscious and I feared you were dead." I made a noise as I slightly adjusted myself.

"Just someone pretending to be a king and he didn't like to be called out." I hope he's fucking dead. I clenched my hands as I couldn't lash out with my magic.

"If I unlock your magic, can you restrain it from hurting people?" I sighed but nodded. She took my hand and said something before I felt my magic run through my veins again. I sighed as I rolled my neck around. I felt my magic touch the wounds and I closed my eyes letting it spread through them. I clenched my teeth as it felt like a cold fire licking at the wounds.

"I need a cane." I spoke to the open air as I was finally able to move on my own.

"You should really stay in bed. You need to be fully healed before you can move." I opened my eyes and gave a Clarissa a death stare.

"My magic is healing me. I'll be fine by tomorrow." I put weight on both legs and grunted as I stood up fully. I only now realized I was in only a robe. I huffed and magicked some better clothes on, nothing too tight at least. Clarissa held out her hands for me to take.

"Let me get you to the groom room so that you can get a cane." I just nodded but pulled her towards me so that I could hold onto her arm.

"This is better." I staggered some but she never let me fall. My heart fluttered as she took my hands so that I could sit down again in the groom room. I was out of breath but we made it.

"Just think of what you'd want and it should come straight to you." I nodded and envisioned a solid black cane with a silver hook for a grip. I felt the cool metal in my hand and opened my eyes. It looked even better than I imagined.

"Thank you." I said loudly as I stood up leaning against my new cane.

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