Chapter 9

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~Leonora's POV~

Middle of the School Year

   I scowled as I walked into the cafeteria. It was so loud today and I already had a headache. I rubbed at my temples as I sat down away from everyone. I didn't bother with food and continued reading the alchemy book I was given by my professor. I was successful over the break and was now an assistant to the school's alchemist. I still had a lot to learn but I had a few years here. I noticed the cafeteria quieted down some and I looked up to see Clarissa floating through the crowd. I could tell she was making an effort to be happy in front of everyone. Her eyes found mine and everything seemed to melt away again. It was only her and I in the hall until she turned away to converse with another princess. I moved my eyes downcast and tried focusing back on my reading. I must've been rereading the same sentence for a while cause I never turned the page. I growled and snapped my book shut as a few first years nearby visibly flinched. I tucked my book under my arm and sped out of the hall away from the princess who kept interrupting my thoughts. I pulled my coat around me as I stepped onto the bridge connecting the schools. Winter was very brutal this year and was unforgiving. I almost made it to the door of the evil castle when the wind picked up briefly. I held onto the edge of the walkway so that I wouldn't be blown off. I crouched low as to hide from the wind as I continued to the doors ahead of me. I quickly opened the doors and slammed them shut as I slipped through them.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I was catching my breathe against the doors. No one was around which I was grateful for. I noticed a light going towards the dungeons and thought it might've been the alchemist professor.

"Wait!" I yelled towards it as I ran to catch up. It was always out of reach until it stopped above a thin sheet of ice. There was no light down here except the flame I was following; Rafal stood there grinning mischievously.

"Rafal? What's going on?" I hesitantly stepped onto the ice but stopped as I heard it cracking.

"A test. Come closer to me." I walked slowly towards him hearing the ice crack as I did. I reached him and grabbed his hand. He was always warmer and I gulped as he brought my hand up to his lips.

"Survive for 2 minutes." That was all he said as I felt myself fall into the water below. I gasped and water entered my lungs. I clamped my mouth shut and swam up towards the top. I felt the ice was back in place and he was smirking up above. I pounded on the ice above but he just laughed. I looked away and tried finding another way out. The cold water already seeped through my clothes and was slowly freezing me. I tried summoning my magic for some light but being underwater took all of my concentration. I could feel my lungs burn from not being able to breathe. I choked on what water was in my lungs and couldn't stop choking. I wrapped a hand around my throat but kept pounding on the ice. I didn't see Rafal above me anymore and my eyes widened in fear. He left me to die here. I stopped pounding on the ice and let myself float down from the water that was in my lungs. My vision became blurry and the darkness was coming in. There was nothing I could do but-

"" I gasped as I sat up and turned to my side expelling the water from my lungs. A hand was on my back as I threw up the water that I swallowed. I couldn't make out the voice only that it was a male's voice. I stopped spewing water and I sagged against the cool cobblestone beneath me. I looked around trying to figure out where I was. I could make out a few pairs of feet and knew they were all teachers. I tried sitting up off the floor but my arms were not working. A pair of hands helped my sit up and I could see a bit more clearly. The alchemy teacher, the dean of good, and my own dean were all around me. The dean of evil was helping me sit up and I was breathing haphazardly.

"What were you thinking? This area is off limits for a reason." I hummed as I tried responding but I couldn't. I don't remember how I got down here except for entering the evil castle after breakfast.

"Is it okay if I look into your mind? It might hurt for a second." I nodded and closed my eyes trying to control my breathing. A searing pain shot through my mind and I screamed in agonizing pain.

"Ngh!" I was suddenly falling again until softer hands caught me. I opened my eyes and saw the dean of good keeping me upright. She helped me up and held onto me as the dean of evil stood up as well.

"You've blocked your mind, how?" I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't block my mind and knew it had to be Rafal. I needed to talk to him again.

"Olyia, your hands!" I looked down at the dean of good's hands and saw ice forming on them where she was holding me. I staggered out of her hold and hugged myself away from them. I watched as the ice went away and a burn mark appeared in its place.

"What happened to me?" I asked weakly and I warily watched the teachers move.

"I think your core temperature is permanently cooler than normal now. Do you feel cold at all?" I shook my head no. I didn't feel anything and that scared me. I watched the dean of evil move forward and I moved back in response. I unwrapped my arms and looked at my hands. I looked even more pale than normal but not blue. I looked up in fear and ran off to my room. I heard them yelling at me to stop but I wouldn't.

Unspoken Intentions(ON HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя