Chapter 10

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~Clarissa's POV~

End of the Year

   I giggled along with several other princesses as we made our way back to our dorms after the graduation ceremony. They all got chosen for a story and would leave tomorrow for it. I already had my story so I was headed back home. I promised my brother I would come back after I was done with school. He just wanted me around and I don't blame him given Mother was almost gone. I knew she wouldn't stay too long if Father died but she's been holding on. I wiped away a tear that was falling as I shut my trunk of clothes. I had about an hour left so I said my goodbyes and walked out to the gardens. I found a way to become calm in the beauty of nature and that's what I needed right now. The sun was shining brightly down without a cloud in sight. The flowers seemed to reach for me as I passed them and I smiled down at them. I found the tree Vin-him and I used to stay under. I sat down at the roots and leaned against the rough bark of the tree. I sighed as I let the memories I had of him play behind my eyelids. I needed this before I was to go back home. I heard something shuffle nearby and opened my eyes to spot a black piece of clothing above me. I followed the color up into pale skin, hollowed out cheeks, storm grey eyes, and long red hair. She was reading a book in the tree limbs above me and didn't look down.

"Staring is rude, you know." Her eyes snapped down to mine and I gulped at the intensity of them. I cleared my throat and looked away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you if I did." I peered closer to see what she was reading but her legs were hiding the cover.

"I didn't think Nevers liked to read." I thought I saw the ghost of a smirk but it was gone quickly.

"I'd like to think I'm different than the rest. They all seem dull enough to me anyways. I want to be a challenge for my nemesis." Her eyes sparkled a little when she said that.

"Why do you like pain?" I laid down and looked up at her curiously. She broke eye contact from her book again but she looked far away. She sighed and answered me honestly.

"It's more like the need to inflict pain. We're taught to be mean and scary because that's how Evil is supposed to be. We don't get the happy endings that you princesses do; we die at the end of our stories. It doesn't matter how much we are prepared for it before we leave this place." I frowned at her statement but even I knew it was true. She snapped her book closed and hopped down from the tree limb.

"It was a nice conversation Princess but I have better things to do."

"Clarissa." I spoke to her turned back. She froze in her steps but didn't turn around.


"My name, it's Clarissa. I figured you ought to know it by now." 

"Why would I want to know your name? We aren't friends." She had turned to face me. I watched her as she seemed to analyze me.

"I don't know. I just have these feelings sometimes." I nervously scratched at my wrist as she kept staring at me.

"You'll make yourself bleed." She sounded bored but I could see concern seeping out from her eyes. I stopped scratching but held onto my wrist instead. We broke eye contact but neither of us wanted to speak.

"Lesso; that's my name." I watched her fidget with the book's spine and I caught myself smiling a little.

"That's a lovely name." Her gaze snapped up to mine and we were staring at each other again. Her hair shined like a flame in the sunlight unlike anything I've ever seen. Her posture oozed confidence like that of a professor, almost.

"I should head back, I still need to move my things." Stay please. I swallowed back those two words that could change things.

"Of course." I smiled and waved a little as she left without a goodbye. She walked fast and before I knew it she was already up the steps going towards the Evil side of the castle. I sighed as I made my way to the main hall of the Good side of the castle. I couldn't shake her eyes that held concern given she was a Never. My feet carried me to my carriage where it would take me back home until I was needed as a fairy godmother again.

"Are you alright, m'lady?" I hummed as I looked towards my footman.

"I'm fine, just lost in thought." I accepted his hand to help me in the carriage. I watched the scenary change and let my mind wander back to her. Her posture was tense like I was a poison she didn't want to touch. She was very snappy but we were mortal enemies I guess; good and evil. We don't belong together but I couldn't stop thinking about her. I looked down at my wrist and noticed I made it bleed a little. I sighed and used my magic to heal it. I need to stop doing that.

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