Chapter 2

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Killua's POV*

I walked into class 3 minutes late. Mr. Netero giving me some shit for it. I sit down at my desk throwing my books down before resting my head. I hate it here. I don't want to be here. I'll probably skip after lunch. No one talks to me, they think I killed someone. Rumors sped like wild fire here and there's no way to tame it. They call me Killua the Killer. I have one friend, Leorio, who knows the actual truth. That a women was being harassed and I stepped in. I didn't kill the guy either but I did fuck him up royally. I guess being feared is better then being bullied. I had a rough up bringing I'll say that, but that doesn't make me out to be a killer.

"Alright class, we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

I looked up from my desk as a boy stood up.

"I'm G-Gon Freecs. I've been home schooled up until this point." The boy stuttered.

He was beautiful, jet black hair, hazel eyes, caramel colored skin. I looked at him in awe before shaking head and putting it back down on the desk. Not like he would even talk to me. I'm a killer remember? well to most people. I bet he already heard.

I was in a daze all class, all I wanted to do was leave. The bell rang startling me slightly. I stood up from my desk walking out into the hallway by myself as always. I hear whispering and snickering around me. I keep my head down and keep walking. It's better not to do anything drastic, otherwise they could just use that against me too. I wasn't paying attention where I was going and I bumped into someone.

"Sorry about that." I say not even looking at the person I bumped into and started walking off.

"Killua Right?" I hear stopping me in my tracks. For this whole month I haven't had anyone talk to me other then teachers and Leorio, and that wasn't Leorio's voice.

"Yeah? What's it to yah?" I say turning around, It was the new kid, Gon.

"I just wanted to say Hi, since I am new here." He smiled.

I huffed, "You probably already know about me. Just stay away from me."

I walk away from him, not letting him say another word to me. I don't want people bullying anyone over me. I sighed before walking into my third hour. Luckily Leorio was in this one. I sit down next to him.

"Hey what's up." I say to Leorio.

"Nothing much, How about you?"

"Same old same old...." I started, "Actually, the new kid tried talking to me..." I said.

"Really? Do you think he knows?" Leorio asked.

"I have no idea to be completely honest. It's okay I kinda just walked away."

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong. You never killed anyone." Leorio reminded me.

"I know but everyone here but you thinks that."

"Well, anyways on another note. I've been talking to this guy and want to invite him to lunch. Are you okay with that?"

I shrugged, I don't care who Leorio talks to, If they feel uncomfortable with my presents I will just leave. The door opened to the class room and a few people walked in. I turn around and it's Gon, and a blonde next to him.

"That's him." Leorio said waving over to them.

Gon? Was he talking to Gon?

I turned to look at them, the blonde waved back with a smile, Gon looked surprised as ever.

"The blonde?" I whisper.

"Yeah, his name is Kurapika."

"Are you like interested in him or just in a friends way?"

"I don't know yet. I mean he is attractive for sure but I've known him for a month. He's a nice guy though."
Gon's POV*

I walked into my third hour, Kurapika had this class as well. When we walked in a taller brunette waved over to us. I look over at Kurapika and he waved back at the man. That must be the guy he's been talking to.

I look next to Leorio and a white fluffy haired boy sat next to him. He looked this way and our eyes connected. He was gorgeous. His eyes were blue, dark. He had flawless porcelain skin. Kurapika and I sat down in empty seats. The teacher told the class I was a new student like the other classes. At this point I'm so done with the introductions.

"Alright class, I'm gonna break you up in groups of four for this science project we are doing. You can do it at lunch, in class and after school. Because this will take awhile I do recommend doing this project out of class as well. Alright, groups are on the board."

Kurapika and I stood up from our seats looking at the groups we are in. We looked at the names. What do you know. Kurapika, Leorio, Killua, and I were in a group together. This is my chance to talk to Killua. I don't believe he's a killer, I want to be friends with him. He's hiding his true self under the lies of others. I don't know why but, I want to be the light to the darkness in his life...

"Alright break off into your groups." This is it.

Kurapika, Leorio, Killua and I all walk over to a table. I heard whispers as we pass other students. Wow everyone really does know about him huh?

"So Kurapika, this is Killua." Leorio I'm assuming introduced him.

Killua didn't say anything, just looked down at his shoes.

"This is Gon. Gon, Leorio." Kurapika introduced me to them.

"Hello Leorio, Hello Killua." I say, seeing him jump sightly in his seat.

We started with the project. Killua wrote in his notes, not speaking at all. Kurapika and Leorio were having a conversation. Killua ripped off a piece of paper sliding it over to me secretively. I looked at him in confusion, though he wasn't looking at me. I opened the paper and read it.

Him: Why are you trying to talk to me?

I wrote back, Because, I want to be your friend.

He sighs before writing something in.

Him: Why? I know you heard the rumor.

Me: That you killed someone? I don't believe it. You don't seem like a killer.

Him: What if it was true?

Me: Then I feel like you would have a good reason. I'm serious when I say I don't think you are a killer. I have a good sense in that. Besides wouldn't you be in jail?

He didn't write back after that, he smiled lightly, probably the first time I saw him do that. It made my heart melt. The bell rang, it was time for lunch.

"Leorio wants me to sit with him at lunch, do you want to join?" Kurapika asked nervously.

"Sure." I smiled.

We walked together to the lunch room. We both brought a lunch so we didn't have to stand in line. We saw Leorio and Killua and walked over to them and sat down.

"They are sitting with the killer?" I hear someone whisper behind me.

I turn around, seeing two girls whispering to each other. They see me and I glare that them, making them giggle and run away. I sigh. That has to be irritating.

"So Gon, how has your first day gone so far?" Leorio asked biting into a sandwich.

"Pretty good," I look over at Killua who did not have a lunch, " Did you not bring anything?" I ask him.

He looked up at me with his pretty blue eyes that seemed duller then they should be.

"I'm not hungry." He said quietly.

I frowned before handing him half of my sandwich, "You have to eat something."

He looked at me for a moment hesitantly before taking it.

"Thank you..." He smiled softy.

"No problem."

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