"Isn't that a little absurd?" I ask, titling my head. "Oh, I'm only a few minutes away by the way. So keep the door unlocked."

I hear him shuffling, probably getting up. I realize I'm correct when I hear the lock click, and I smile.

"I wouldn't say it absurd." He says, in a voice where you can tell he's trying to be reasonable. "I honestly kind of think it's smart, since I do talk highly of you. They just want to be able to think what they think about you, and not what I want them to think."

"I guess that's reasonable." I say. "I guess your right."

"Why do you have to say 'I guess'?" He says as he chuckles, and you can tell he is tilting his head. "You always say that. I'm starting to think it's maybe just because you don't like to admit somebody else is right."

"I guess you're right." I mock.

He chuckles. "I'm hanging up. Don't make too much noise when you get here."

"I guess I won't." I say.


The phone hangs up. I scoff at how flat he was, but I do admit I was enticing it. I chuckle and pick my phone up, turning it off and then setting it down on the center console. I turn the music on, letting the music fill the car. The neighborhood fills my car, and I don't complain.

I tap on my steering wheel to the beat. I don't know what to feel right now. I drive through the streets, as the sun shines. It's almost four, so I know she's going to leave soon. So I have to enjoy her now.

I pull into the parking lot of Felix's complex. I don't like how it doesn't have any sort of safety, but whatever. I just feel a gate or something would be better than freely welcoming people in.

I park, unbuckle my seat belt, and get out of the car. It takes me a few minutes to walk, but eventually I am at Felix's door. As expected, the door is unlocked and I am able to just walk in. I didn't actually expect him to be this unsafe, but I told him to do so, so I will not mention it.

I walk into the kitchen, and look over to see Felix laying on the couch. He smiles when he sees me. "You're here." He says, as he stretches on the couch.

"I am." I say, setting my phone and keys down on his counter. "And you look comfortable, were you taking a nap?" I turn around, giving my full attention to him.

He shakes his head. "No, I was just bored. And comfortable, like you said." He sits up on the couch.

"Oh." I say, dragging it out. I walk over to the couch, sitting down next to him. I love how comfortable his apartment is. "Did you plan dinner yet?" I ask, getting comfortable.

He shakes his head, collapsing back on the couch. "I was waiting for you to call. I was planning on taking you out to dinner as a celebration, but I tossed that idea aside now. I'm too lazy to go anywhere."

"Celebration for what?" I chuckle, looking to him. "Getting silence back?"

He scoffs, shaking his head. "No, but you have a point. That's also why I said no to the idea, because you don't have a clear answer yet from the group. It's a bit scary, I don't get how you aren't like crying right now or something."

"Who says I'm not about to?" I chuckle. "I'm trying to stay positive and unbothered, but I'm so nervous. They wouldn't take this long, it's been long enough to decide if I'm good enough or not."

"Well, it might not be that easy." He says, sitting up straight and looking at me. His sudden repositioning makes me sit up straight as well. "It might not come down to if you're good or not, what if you're good they just don't want another member? There's also that decision.."

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