"Right." Tony stood up from the chair he was sitting on. "You're grounded for another week. I'm tripling your security - a member of the team has to be with you at all times. You're not taking the subway to school anymore; Happy'll be driving you straight there and back every day. And I hate to do this, but I think you've made it clear, today, that I can't trust you with your freedom; I'm installing security cameras on your balcony, something that I never thought I would have to do to you." He rubbed his temples and began walking to her bedroom door. "You've really disappointed me, Amara."

"I've disappointed you? All I've ever done is try to help people! Just like you! But I get constantly sidelined, but you get to do whatever the hell you want and you still come out looking like the hero!"

He turned back around to face her, "Yeah, because I am the hero! You're the kid! The kid that I'm responsible for! And if you fail, that's on me, 'cause I'm your dad! It's my job to look out for you! I'm just trying to hold everything together! I- I just need you to listen to me! I'm trying to- I'm trying to protect everyone! This is for protection! Why can't you see that?" He said, clearly starting to grow anxious, but Amara didn't notice.

"Protection? What do you mean protection?! I don't need protection! I'm fine! I can take care of myself! I've proved that again and again! What will it take for you to finally fucking see that?!" Amara was growing angry, but she didn't notice the unease that was growing on Tony's face.

He stormed forwards so that he was facing her, "For God's sake, Amara! Not your protection! Protection from you! You're dangerous Amara, can't you see that!"

Amara drew in a shocked breath, "What are you trying to say?" She said quietly.

"Banner is trapped as the Hulk, he can't come out! He's stuck! Why do you think that is?!" Tony began.

"Banner? What does Banner have to do with me being dangerous? What are you talking about?" Amara said, spitefully.

"Bruce is unable to change back to normal. Back to his normal, human state. I checked and it's like the actual molecules in his body are being prohibited from moving back to normal. And who's the only person we know, that can manipulate reality to her will, huh? Who can actually prohibit molecules from moving in a way she doesn't want them to?" Tony's words were harsh, but it was far too late to go back, now.

Amara's eyes began to pool with tears, which she hated. She was angry. Angry at her father for even suggesting what he was about to say. "You think I did this?! You think this is my fault?!" At this point, tears were streaming down Amara's face.

Tony must have noticed this because he immediately softened, "Look, I'm not saying you did it on purpose. All I'm saying is that you and Wanda are two of the most powerful people on this team, and your powers both run on your emotions. And we all know that your emotions can sometimes... get the better of you."

"Right. And the best way to control my emotions is to piss me off even more. And not letting me leave," she said, almost sobbing, but attempting to stay strong.

"I just think it would be better for everyone if you just stayed at home for a bit. Just lay low. It would put my mind at rest for a while, at least."

"Put your mind at rest? What about my mind? My mind that was completely fine before you just put all of these doubts inside of it. You're making me doubt myself! Making me believe that I'm some unhinged psychopath that brings people pain!" Tony's eyes widened, realising what he had done. "I can't believe you would say that stuff. After I told you much I was struggling after I told you how awful I felt after Lagos. After everything. You wanted to protect everyone? But not your own daughter from yourself." Amara was sobbing, she could no longer hold it back.

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