44. Again?

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Bianca POV

It's been 3 hours since Blake has left. I called him about twenty times & he never answered. I call DJ & Taylor and they said they'll go out & look for him , I haven't gotten a call. I was in the living room silently crying , I didn't want Ford to wake up so I stayed down stairs. I feel my phone vibrate & see its a phone call from Blake...

"Hello!? Blake where are.."

"Hey bitch!"

"Jasmin where's Blake!?" I ask angrily

"He's here with me , he's passed out but that doesn't mean we didn't fuck" she laughs

I hung up after she said that.. I fall to my knees and cry , I didn't want to believe her but I did. I decide to call DJ & tell him what had just happened..

"Hey did he come home?" DJ asks

"No he's not here .. Jasmin called me from his phone"

He stayed silent

"I don't know what to do DJ" I cry

"I know where she lives , look I'll drive to her place & get him , do you want me to pick you up?"

"I can't , Fords here sleeping"

"I'll stay at your house!" Kassandra yells

"Okay come pick me up please" I hang up

I call Taylor & tell him that we found out where his brother was , Taylor was angry & told me he'd be coming to the house in a few minutes.

"BWIANCA , DADDY?!" Ford cries from his room

I run upstairs & pick up a crying Ford

"I'm sorry sweety , I'm here now" I say trying to calm Ford down

"Can we watch Fwozen?" He asks putting his head on my shoulder

"Yeah , let's go downstairs buddy"

I bring him downstairs & put on the movie , minutes later Taylor arrives with Marieka.

"What happened?" Marieka asks rushing into the living room

"Blake left 3 hours ago , I thought he'd come back so I didn't call you guys any earlier then his ex calls me from his phone & says he's with her" I whisper to her

"Here I'll stay with Ford & you go get him, Taylor is outside with DJ "

"I'll stay here too" Kassandra says walking in

"Thank you guys so much" I hug both of them

"Fordy , Marieka & my friend Kassandra are gonna stay here with you while I go handle something right now , I'll be back sweetheart" I kiss his forehead

"Okay Bwianca" he gets up and hugs me

"Love you Fordy" I hug him back & walk to the door

Blake POV

I wake up & notice I'm not at my place , I was only wearing my briefs & there were lots of clothes on the floor..

"Hey baby" Jasmin says walking into the room turning on the lights

"Jasmin what did you do?" I yell getting up

"Oh no Blake , what did you do?" She says showing me the pictures she took of us naked on the bed

"We did not have sex , I don't believe this bullshit !" I yell not believing what she had showed me

"Yeah but your precious little girlfriend will" she laughs

"You drugged me didn't you!" I yell rushing my clothes back on

"Maybe" she laughs and walks out

Bianca POV

"I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore" I say looking out the window

"Bianca , he's done this twice.. I'm sorry but I'd leave him . I know he's my brother but he has no reason to do you like this" Taylor says looking back at me

"Blake just needs to grow up" DJ says as we make a stop

"Is this it?" I ask looking outside

"Yeah , let's go get him" DJ says getting out of the car

Blake POV

"Where are my car keys Jasmin! I need to get home to my family!"

"What family?" She laughs taking a sip of her beer

"Look give me my fucking keys!" I slap the beer out of her hands

I hear loud knocks on the front door & rush to open it..

"Blake open it & I'll shoot you!" Jasmin says with a gun in her hands..

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