18. Love On Top

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9:00pm , Blake's house

"My girl did what?" I say in shock

"Your girl fucked Jasmin up! It was hilarious hahaha !" DJ says dying of laughter

"DJ no , she shouldn't have done that!"

"Blake , your kidding right ? She deserved it, you know how much she's messed with Bianca , what would you have done? Dont you think Bianca gets angry?"

"Yeah, but fighting isn't making her look good"

"Blake what the fuck? Just look at it in her point of view, if she fought her you know she had a reason to , don't be mad at her , she's just defending herself!"

"I'm not mad at her man , I'm just in shock.... Damn.. My bitch bad!" I say laughing

"Hell yeah she is , your a lucky guy"

"Thanks DJ"

"I gotta go man , see tomorrow at practice!" He says standing up giving me a man hug .

"Alright bye DJ"

I lock my doors then my dog 'Chaney' follows me into my room & we both pass out .


Bianca POV

8:00am ,Bianca's condo

I got up early & wanted to talk to my baby. I called Blake & he didn't answer , he's probably at practice . I remember him telling me when he practices so I decide to make the guys lunch .

'Look at this stuff , isn't it neat , wouldn't you think my collections complete, wouldn't you think I'm the girl , the girl who has everything...'

I start singing 'Part of your world' . My god.. I love Disney!

I hear my phone ringing & answer..


"Hey baby , did you call?"

"Oh yeah , I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go out for breakfast but I remembered you were at practice"

"Yeah, we can go out for lunch if you want ?"

"How about I just cook for you & the guys ? If that's okay , well unless the guys have plans already"

"Hold up let me ask them" I hear him asking & they yell 'YESSS!'

"You heard them?"

"Yes sir" I say laughing

"Okay baby , I gotta go ."

"Okay Blake , bye love you " I say hanging up .

I start making 'Empanadas camarón' & I also made 'Arroz con leche' . I ended up making about 50 empanadas & I made 'Agua de Horchata' for them to drink. My mother taught me how to cook at a young age , I can basically cook anything by now .

"Honey, honey , I can see the stars all the way from here , can't you see the glow on the window pane? I can feel the sun whenever you're near ,every time you touch me I just melt away..."

I sing this song while I'm thinking about Blake . He's the love of my life , I truly love him. Oh my god.. We're so lovey dovey ... Haha.


12:30pm , Bianca's condo

Knock Knock

I rush to the front door & open it to see all the guys with smiles .

"Hey guys , come on in!" I say moving to the side

"Nice place Bianca" says DJ

"Yeah its pretty big for a condo!" Adds Matt

"Thanks, well I made 'Empanadas de camarón' & I also made dessert "

"Sounds good" says Chris

"Here's the dining room, you guys can sit & I'll serve you guys"

"Here let me help" Blake says coming into my kitchen

"Damn, this looks good!"

"Thank you baby!"

"I'll get the empanadas & this drink thingy" He says giving me a weird look

"Its called 'Horchata' , You'll like it!"

"I'll see" he says walking into the dining room


3:00pm , Bianca's Living Room

The guys loved the empañadas & the horchata . They ate 'Arroz Con Leche' last & lets just say I should have made more .

Blake & I were currently cuddling on the couch watching 'Dodgeball' .

"Baby , I wanted to talk to you about something" Blake says putting the movie on pause .

"Yeah? What is it?" I say giving him my full attention

"What happened last night ? With Jasmin..?"

"I fought her , she was running her mouth again Blake , what was I suppose to do?"

"Its okay , I understand baby , just dont let her get to your head anymore , princess you're way better than that'

"I know sweety , I love you" I say pecking his lips

"I love you too B" he says deepening our kiss ♡

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