Chapter 9

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"S-sonic... S-stay away from m-me!" The pink hedgehog stepped backward away from her little brother as he walked closer, the little azure furball eyes flooded with tears and he held his stomach in pain as he stumbled to the ground.

   "Brother!" Sonia ran over to him quickly and kneeled down, the blue speedster laid still and hot as he breathed heavily. The other hedgehog panicked before picking her brother up with ease and running over to their mother who was worried about something.

. . .

"That THING is NOT my son! he is a monster!" Queen Aleena shouted in protest while the her two pups trembled from the shouting. "Well we can't just get rid of him! he's your pup!"
  Sonic's ears folded back as he struggled to block out the noises of his parents fighting, his mind filled with thoughts as he looked at his small ungloved hand. 

"It seems you're lonely... want some company...?"

The azure hedgehog jumped up and looked around. "W-who's there!" 

"Hold it buddy, we're not going to hurt you."

Sonic breathed heavily as two hedgehog almost his size emerged from the shadows of the room, one with a dark purple aura and dark blue fur, while another was dark blue fur and full black eyes with a flash of blood red and blood dropping from their eye sockets.

"Who are you! what are you doing in my room. Stay back!" The azure hedgehog did not want to hurt anyone, he shifted and locked himself in the corner of his bed, ears still pinned to his head.      "We won't hurt you, promise." 

    "Can you trust us?" The dark blue hedgehog with the purple aura asked and putting out his hand to show he was no threat. Sonic hesitated before shaking their hand and pulling it back. 

"Good we have an agreement! Call me Dark." 


"Sonic..." The blue speedster said nervously, he flinched when dark began to climb on his bed and sat, but allowed it. "Do you want a hug?"

Sonic's ears pinned to his head again and he looked away, nodding slowly before being pulled into a comforting hug

"We'll never leave you. Promise."

. . . 

Sonic jumped out of his sleep and looked around his dark bedroom and sighed. He looked at his hand, scarred and damaged was all he saw, and the word 'monster' creeped at the back of his head to torment him once more.
   Curling himself in a ball, he cried softly in his own fur as to not disturb anyone in the house. The door opened slowly and the light of the living came in, tempting him to leave. He pushed himself deeper into himself and waited for the light to go away.

The door closed, the azure hedgehog looked up slowly as he was gently pulled into a soft, heartfelt hug as soft words comforted his trembling state. His eyes over loaded with tears as he cried into the ebony hedgehog's chest fur. 

"Shh... It's alright. I'm here," Shadow whispered softly, pausing as Sonic began to calm down and his cries began to stop. 

"They're gone, I won't leave you.."

Cried making this- listening to calm music
(Not dead guys)

Byee <33

Don't trip on your way out.

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