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Hey guys, still sick. So sorry if I can't get a chapter out for most of my book, I'm trying my best to stay awake and get some chapters published before new years and I've been falling asleep more often even though I get full hours of sleep every night. Sleeping nor medicine is helping get rid of this damn cold.

Yes, I've checked myself and I do not have Covid fortunately, but until them please note I might not be online for a long while until I get better. so for now if you want you may read the new chapters I'm about to publish for some books that you guys love.
  Again really sorry for not publishing as much as I used to before this cold of mine, I hope you all understand and have/had a great Christmas and new year.

If I'm not already still stuck on my bed by the end of this month, I will get one of my friends to write and publish some chapters. as I am writing this note I still think I could've done better for you guys.

Real sorry for all the delays, and I hope you enjoy your days/nights etc. 

Byee <33

Don't trip on your way out.


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