Chapter 8

143 4 15

Changes a few things, DS (Dark Sonic) is bold. while Sonic exe is Bold and underlined.

Sonic flopped onto the couch in the empty living room and sighed with boredom in his mouth, he had an agonizing headache, which caused him more laziness than he wanted, he groaned and turned off all of the lights before laying down on the couch.

"You good Blue?" Dark had asked out of concern as he floated above the azure hedgehog for an answer before lowly sighing from the quiet other. "Somethin' on your mind?" 

"Leave me alone Dark..." Sonic kept still as he weaky sighed, his ears twitched at hearing a familiar voice complain over him. "When will you let me kill something!? It's like you want to see me suffer!" Exe complained angrily, his voice shaking the ground a little from all the yelling.

. . .

I only have one shot at this... If I die, I'll probably never be remembered, eh who cares.

The azure hedgehog closed his eyes and mumbled quietly to himself in his room, his door locked, he opened his eyes and it was no longer green, rather his eyes were a dark glowing red and his eye whites were black, and his fur and quills began to darken into a very dark blue with a purple aura surrounding him.
Here goes nothing....

Sonic's eyes widen as his eyes began to flicker from normal to red, and after it was done, his fur turned back to its original color and his eyes turned back to its emerald green as he flopped onto the floor weakly. Standing before him were two versions of himself; one with very dark quills and the other with its eyes dark red and its whites black with a large smile and blood leaking from his eyes.

"Did he die?"

The blue speedster groaned in response as he got up with the support of the side of his bed, he sat on the bed and flopped backwards on it tiredly. "You're not dead Blue."

"Wish I was."

Exe chuckled, looking at the torn tips of his cloves and stained blood on it, his smile grew wider before looking around. "It's been so long since I've gotten out of your twisted mind! Finally!"

"I'll have to agree with smiles over here."

"Shut up."

Before the dark blue version of the hedgehog could speak again, Exe walked over to the door and opened it, looking into the living room where they first were, though it looked more bright in his eyes. "Why's this place so bright?"

"Ask the person who owns this hellhole."

"I'm ready to cause some mischief..." Exe said while smirking.

Hi! I'm backkkkk! sorry this is short though
  Still getting back into writing

Byee <33

Don't trip on your way out.

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