The Rogue Prince

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Alyssa and Daemon walked further into the dragonpit, footsteps echoing around the cavernous structure, highlighting the lack of workds spoken between father and daughter.

Walking further into the pit, they passed great statues, large entrances to dragonlairs, and a huge platform in the middle, before coming to the back of the building and out into a small opening where dragons landed to enter it.

Neither of them had said a word for near on 10 minutes, until, finally, Alyssa broke the silence with one simple phrase, something she had been wanting to say since she heard of her fathers imminent return.

"Did you do it?" Alyssa questioned, sharply.

Daemon looked at his daughter, there wasn't a shred of emotion on his face. No remorse, no guilt, but also no sadness, anguish or happiness. Just nothing.

"It was an accident, a terrible accident, and one I had no part in." Daemon stated, flatly.

He knew he was lying, but he had to. His daughter now controls Runestone, the keep, the land, and all the vassals that once paid homage to House Royce.

They belonged to her now, and to House Targaryen.

"I'm not entirely sure that I believe you." Alyssa retorted.

"There's always rumors about your involvement in her murder, always whispering." She continued.

"It was well known that the marriage wasn't a happy one, that you tended to look elsewhere to fill your needs, that you had your, endeavours."

"And I'm not just talking about what happened with Rhaenyra." Alyssa finished.

She was talking about the incident on Dragonstone, with Mysaria. The one before he left to conquer those accursed Stepstones, before he spent years on those damn islands whilst his daughter, niece and brother suffered in this place.

King's Landing, to Daemon, had become exactly what he knew it would have. A pit of Vipers.

"Matters of the heart have always been complicated to me, especially when everyone around me, my closest family, all seem to be marrying happily, and I was stuck with a bronze cunt." Daemon said, lingering on the last word longer than he should have.

He found that out very quickly when Alyssa turned to him and slapped him in the face. Hard.

She looked at him dead in his eyes, a fire was raging behind the bright violet of her eyes, a fire forged in the heart of Valyria.

"Don't you ever fucking call her that. You may have not loved her, or liked her for that matter, but she was still your wife. She was still my mother." Alyssa spat.

Daemon looked into his daughters eyes. He saw the same fire, passion and determination that he knew others saw in him.

"My apologies, sweetling. I won't call your mother that in your presence." Daemon said, honestly.

She stared into his eyes. He was telling the truth, as much as she hated to believe it.

"Fine." Alyssa bluntly replied.

Daemon signalled over to a dragonkeeper, who wandered into the pit to fetch Caraxes.

After a short moment, the huge, slender dragon came out into the daylight, clicking, whistling and generally making a fuss that it had been woken up.

"Now, I haven't seen Dreamfyre in many years, and I've heard she's grown stronger and more formidable, and I think it's time she got acquainted with Caraxes" Daemon asked.

Daemon motioned to the dragonkeeper again, requesting for him to get the Princess' dragon, to which he obliged.

After a few minutes of waiting, the huge, pale blue dragon stepped out of the dragonpit and into the sunlight. She wheezed and snorted when she saw her rider, leaning down and giving her a small lick on the face.

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