Silver and Bronze

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The year is 113 AC. King Viserys Targaryen is at the height of his reign and his health. His second wife, the Queen Alicent Hightower, has just given birth to a healthy boy, whom the Queen has named Aegon, after the great conqueror who unified the Seven Kingdoms into one.

Many whisper that this was in order to have the king name his new son the heir to the throne upon his birth, as they say a male must come before a female in the line of succession.

The king however, refused to budge.

The year 113 AC would soon become known as the Year of the Three Dragons, as two more Targaryens were to be born to the king's favourite (and only) niece. Princess Alyssa.

While the harsh winds whipped at the exterior of the great castle, screams and cries ran through the halls of the Red Keep.

Princess Rhaenyra remembered the last time she'd heard those cries, the last time that the screams of 'piss off' and 'get fucked' rang through the halls of the great castle. Alyssa was giving birth.

She worried for her friend whenever she had a child, time after time she saw how weak it made her afterward, unable to walk or eat much more than one cake.

But what hurt the most was how much it reminded her of her mother, who she'd lost because her father had so desperately wanted an heir. Rhaenyra was determined not to lose her best friend. She had already lost one and she could not afford to lose another.

Rhaenyra stormed down to the birthing room and practically tore the door off the hinges when she entered. Before any of the nurses in the room could say anything to her, like they had at the births of Alyssa's oldest children, Rhaenyra made her voice and reasoning very clear.

"You kept me out of the last two births, you're not keeping me out of this one, I will not idle by and wait while my friend could be dying." Rhaenyra stated.

The nurses rolled their eyes, some returned to preparation of the linen that the babe would be placed in, others went to top up the lukewarm bath they were adamant Alyssa must get into. Alyssa looked to her cousin and temporarily stopped screaming.

"Rhae, I'm bloody glad you're here." Alyssa japed.

Rhaenyra approached her cousin and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, lightly squeezing it.

"How the hell do you keep doing this?"

Her cousin looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and cracked what could only be seen as the smallest of smiles.

"Bugger knows, I just want this over and done with, having two kids is more than enough already" Alyssa joked.

"You know, sometimes I think, why do we even have kids in the first place, it's long, painful hours of screaming to get something that spends even longer screaming than you did!"

Rhaenyra chuckled openly. She knew that, even in extreme pain, covered in sweat and blood, her cousin knew how to joke.

Rhaenyra held out her hand and waited for her cousin to take it, then, as she did, the screams and cries resumed, as the nurses encouraged Alyssa to keep pushing. She grabbed Rhaenyra's hand and squeezed on it for dear life, dug her hands into the bed, tearing at the soft cotton and delicate silk it was made of.

"Keep pushing!" The nurse encouraged.

"If I push harder, it feels like I'll explode!" Alyssa raged.

She continued to push with all her might, and the rage of a thousand angry dragons, hoping, wanting this to be over as quickly as it was with Daena.

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