The Dragon and The Crab

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The dislike between Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent was well known, but what wasn't common knowledge, was Princess Alyssa's dislike for the 'Queen in Green'.

In the year 116 AC, three years on from their shared pregnancies, it is clear that Alyssa and Alicent will never get along, despite the king's constant pushing.

"Hurry up! We're hungry! We want food!"

The sun shot through the window of Princess Alyssa's bedroom. It was a modest sized room, an ornate bed adorned with silk sheets and thick pillows sat on one side, while a hearty fireplace and sturdy wooden desk sat upon the opposing sides of the room.

Jewelry and fine clothing was found in every corner, from the coatrack to the mannequins, the princess and her husband's clothes were the epitome of Targaryen finery.

The Princess reluctantly opened her eyes to see her youngest daughter bouncing up and down on her bed, while her twin brother stood next to his sleeping father, gently poking him in the face.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up" The Prince quietly chanted.

"What in god's name are you two doing up at this time?" Alyssa questioned.

The twins looked at eachother in disbelief, almost as if their mother was a deaf beggar, who had asked for money for the 15th time in a row.

"We are hungry, mother!" Daenerys exclaimed.

Alyssa swore that when her youngest daughter took a serious tone, the violet in her eyes became more prominent, as if the fire of a dragon had lit within her.

Alyssa rolled over onto her side and let out a sigh. She hoped that something or someone would come and get these two children back to their rooms, distract them or something.

Just at that moment her two oldest children entered the room. They looked and their two siblings causing a ruckus in the room and shared a quick laugh as their little sister ran and hid behind a mannequin, pretending to be scared.

"Eek! Intruders! Baelon, you have to get them out of here!" The silver princess stated.

Her twin simply walked over to his brother of 6 and proceeded to repeatedly poke him gently in the stomach.

"You're no match for me! I am a fearsome dragon!" the young princeling stated.

Rhaegar chuckled at his little brothers joke. Even at age 3 he has all the fire and will of his mother, despite his small stature.

"Okay then dragon! I shall take you down right here!" Rhaegar exclaimed.

He drew his small wooden sword and began lightly jabbing his younger brother with it. This made the small prince laugh uncontrollably, to the point where he was on the floor in a fit of childish laughter.

"Haha, aaahhh! That tickles!" The small prince said between laughs.

Then, all of a sudden, the small prince regained his composure, and, in one swift move, disarmed his older brother, took his sword and began repeatedly jabbing him in the side with it.

"Take that! And that!" The little prince shouted.

Rhaegar was stunned by what he'd just seen, his youngest brother of only three namedays had just disarmed him, and with absolute ease, but not only that, he had now forced him against the cupboard with his flurry of hits. 

He looked over to his parents, who, due to all the noise were now fully awake, and also looking over at Rhaegar and Baelon. Clement chuckled at the sight of his two sons play fighting, as they reminded him of his childhood, with his brothers on Claw Isle.

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