The sound of a hammer interrupted her thoughts. She looked up abruptly to see Avery at the end of the street, nailing the same notice he had been reading to the outer wall of a building. More in control of herself this time, she nevertheless quickened her pace, keen to catch him before he left.

He glanced at her as she approached, then immediately looked again, as though he doubted his own sight. "It is you," he said quietly.

As soon as she was close enough, she eagerly grabbed him by both arms. "I can't believe you're here!" she exclaimed. "I thought you were—"

He stiffened at the touch. Cassie released him and moved back two steps. She had been with peasants for too long, grown too used to their familiar touches. She did not have the right to grab him. Not after what she had done to him.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered. "I thought you would be—"

Mirroring his stance, Cassie planted her feet and folded her arms. "After they caught us, I...I ran."


"Not right away," Cassie admitted, wanting to avoid mentioning the Gemmaros. Something told her that was not information they wanted shared. "But it was better than the alternative, and what are you doing here? I thought for sure when they took you that you would be elf fodder."

"Close to it," he admitted, a shadow crossing his face. "But I managed to make it through two battles before Lord Wyatt pulled me off the lines. He had me assisting him, then when the news came in about Citak he sent me running around gathering volunteers."

Cassie paused, unease brewing. "What news?"

"I shouldn't say," Avery said, grip tightening on the roll of papers he held.

She stared at him. "You're kidding me, right?"

"It's's not even something most of the army officials know. I only know because of Lord Wyatt, and he only knows because—"

"And now you're going to tell me."

Avery hesitated, but Cassie waited patiently. She knew he did not fear her—he never had—it was one of his best qualities, but she had been persuading him to give her what she wanted for years. A few months of separation could not break him of the habit.

He tucked his hammer away in his bag before answering. "We started getting reports that Citak was building a new force. Two spots near the Fields of Rathell. Most of the generals believe the devils intend to sweep through the Fields and into the forest through there."

"They've tried before," Cassie said, shrugging. "Right?" The most decisive victories they had had in this never-ending war were fought in the shelter of the trees, where the plains-accustomed Citaken soldiers were lost, divided, and confused.

"Not with the numbers we're hearing," Avery murmured. "Lord Wyatt can't even figure where they've mustered these thousands from. And if they take the Fields back..."

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