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''I, Chizuki, am the sole heir to my kingdom and nothing will change that.''

I am navigating my way through the castle to get to the lush party my parents threw for me. I can't wait to see how everyone is dressed. At this ball, the arrangement was to wear a mask. And I have to say I enjoy the company at parties, but it's always ruined by my acquaintances talking about my arranged marriage. But I like to ignore it as much as I can. If he's decent to me, I couldn't care less. Jesus, what am I even thinking about? 

As I'm nearing the entrance, I start to slow down and try to look as serious as I can.

When I finally reached the entrance, I started appreciating the sight of the ballroom. I am rarely let in this room, and whenever I see it filled with all the red velvet curtains and the beautiful chandelier I am in awe. After gracefully going down the stairs with my head held high, I reached the end of the stairs, finally making it onto the dance floor. When suddenly I saw my archnemesis - Sora.

''Oh, Sora, it's so refreshing to see you!'' I said as I curtsied to my close friend.

''Of course, your future highness, how could I miss your entrance?'' she smiled sheepishly as she curtsied back.

''That's a fine dress you're wearing,'' I have always noticed everyone's wardrobe, and today Sora is wearing a midnight blue long length dress topped off with a white coat. It was sparkling with its little diamonds embroidered in it. Her mask was in the same shade as her dress. Her hair is beautiful as always, I've always been jealous of her blonde hair. It seems like such a privilege to have, but I can't say I don't like my black hair. I think it is the perfect colour for accessories, no matter which shade or colour.

''Indeed, but your dress is such a rich shade of red, it's mesmerising.'' Sora remarked.

''You always know how to flatter a lady, don't you?'' I snickered quietly.

''Oh, for shame, Chizuki, how dare you even try to laugh at a ball room. It is so improper of you.'' Sora whispered in my ear with her white gloves.

''I think we both have improved our fancy speaking skills.''

''You could definitely show them off to your future husband''.

And at last, not even 10 minutes in our conversation, she has brought it up again. 

''Dear Sora, for the love of God, can we just catch up without you bringing up the discussion of the man I am about to be wed to?'' I said to her in my exhausted emotionless voice, whenever she'd bring it up.

''And yet somehow you are not too delirious while being on the topic.'' she said while raising her eyebrow.

''Excuse me, princess Chizuki, would you like to accompany me to the dance floor'' -?

''Sorry, dearest Sora it seems that someone is expecting my arrival somewhere else.'' as I turned around to leave, I saw the man offering me his hand.

I couldn't recognise the man;  he was dressed in a tuxedo with a black mask. I probably wouldn't have recognised him even without the mask. He had a handsome face and brown hair with a darker shade of brown eyes, it looked like he had little specks of gold in them. He hadn't been dressed outstandingly, but something about him caught my eye. I can't really put my finger on it, but I felt something about him. 

Was it a good feeling or a bad one? I have no idea, but I had just seen the man so I couldn't and shouldn't make any assumptions. Finally snapping back from my trance, I started to speak.

''Right,'' I muttered, ''how about we make our way through the crowd?'' as I took my hand onto his, he kissed it as a gesture. The man started to introduce himself.

''Good eve, your majesty, I am Cael'' he said while looking in my eyes.

''Good eve to you too,'' I said while also looking in his eyes, it would be improper to break eye contact, ''I'm sorry to say this but I cannot remember ever seeing or talking to you.''

''Well, that is to be expected, I have travelled a far way to get here'' he said while trying to hide his smile. 

As soon as he said that my mind began to flood with questions - why did he arrive only now? Is this a special occasion? Is he someone to be even talking to? From where had he come from? And did he know me before or was he asking any woman to dance with him?

Cael tried to revive the discussion after a few seconds of silence: ''I am sure you are trying to make sense of the situation, but there really is no need''.

''There isn't?'' Chizuki quickly put her hand up to her mouth as her cheeks started to change colour to a crimson red, ''I sincerely apologise, that was not my intention and was improper.''

''Do not be nervous, I'm just a man trying to make conversation with a lovely lady who looks spectacular tonight'' he turned to look her in her eyes to try to make sure she wouldn't be too embarrassed with her behaviour. He seemed sincere in all his actions and mannerisms. 

She didn't even notice that they were dancing until the music switched. It felt like a blur, she has always only had had conversations with females. Her family had a high status, but maybe some people were just intimidated by her. That was also the reason of her trying to talk to Sora so formally, as much books as she would read about etiquette it couldn't even compare to the actual situations. No matter how hard it would be to learn about it all, it was always a pleasure to come to a festivity - a ball or a get together.


As much as I struggle with talking formally, today is a success. Except for my rude remark earlier to Cael. I still have doubts if I can even call him by his name. It would seem improper for me to ask about his political status when we are dancing or whenever if he even will still come toward me and try to make a conversation with me. After the dance he guided me to the snack table filled with lemon tarts and all kinds of sweets. I was about to thank him for making my evening, but he had already disappeared into the crowd. I felt disappointed, but maybe he had somewhere to be.

I scanned my surrounding and noticed Sora not far away from the snack table talking to her mother. Looks like it was fortunate news, because Soras face lit up, and her mother seemed joyous too. I wonder what the announcement could've been because I've never seen them talk to each other during these balls. Probably just wanting to spend time alone and a good time than a very tense one where they're both trying to find flaws in how they speak. I was deep in thought when Sora waved at me to come over to them. Filled with anxiety, I was frantically checking if I looked presentable. Without time to spare I made way toward them.

''Chizuki, how nice to see you!'' in a nice tone said Soras mother, ''feels like I haven't seen you for eternity, how have you been holding up?''

''Miss, I've been doing great, and it is always a pleasure to talk to you.'' I tried to say as enthusiastically as I could. I don't know her relationship with my mother, but it seems like we are on good terms.

''Have you heard the good news?'' Sora said urgently with a wide, wonky smile on her face.

''Of course, she has, what do you think?'' her mother wiped her smile off her face, ''she is the subject of the whole news, how could she not know?''

''Excuse me, it seems I'm a bit lost. What news are we talking about?'' I asked calmy and tried to look as poised as I could.

''Oh silly, of course, about your engagement, your parents have already found the match for you. Isn't that just delightful?''

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