Chapter 4

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Marinette remembers her trip to France well.

She remembered being stuck in the cell, far underneath the rest of the chaos above her, and yet she also heard the toppling marble and rock. The ceiling above her was compacted rock and earth. It loosened with ever crash.

Her nails were bent and ripped due to her clawing at the bars, shoving as much power as she could into the bars - she sped up the natural rust process, breaking the cell bars with the little regard for her bleeding hands.

She ran like the devil was on her heels, slipping out of the dungeons, and running through the chaos. Nobody noticed her go through the main courtyard, running away from where she thought the major fight was.

It was only when a knife went through her shoulder, causing her to cry in pain, did she realize that she was running toward the fight.

The loud noises, the explosions, were a distraction. 

All along, she had been running into the true fight.

Marinette whipped around and crouched, staring at the assassin in front of her while blood trailed down her arm. She tried to focus on it, heal it together as her muscle pushed the knife from within her. It hurt, nearly made her collapse and seize with the pain, but she continued.

The assassin lunged, right during her healing, and Marinette scrambled to avoid him. She dodged madly, focusing half on trying to heal herself and half on the assassin. It wasn't working to well.

It led to the first time she killed somebody.

She was scared, trying to figure out what to do, and her mind jumped to Damian. She could heal- she could stitch tissue, command blood, and control the body- she could heal and maybe... and maybe, she could do the opposite this time.

Maybe she could stifle life instead of healing it.

Marinette stopped, ducking under the assassin, and let her aura out. It was rebellious to the idea of doing the exact opposite as what Tikki stood for, but Marinette urged it anyways. All gods had the potential for bad - Tikki had proved that when she made the growth in the temple so thick that one of the Minor Guardians had nearly been choked to death.

The assassin choked. Blood dribbled through the mask covering their mouth as they were forced to their knees. Blood was spreading across their abdomen in covered cuts that Marinette forced into existence - splitting muscle and tissue was much harder than knitting it together.

The assassin collapsed, their breathing labor as they gurgled on blood, and Marinette dashed away. She pulled the knife from her shoulder and forced her shoulder to heal, pulling it together so fast that she nearly toppled over the edge of a cut off floor. It led downwards and she peaked over to see 3 assassins spread out on the ground.

She doubted that they were alive.

Marinette turned on her heel and continued to run. She could here a plane, the sound of the powerful engines, in the distance and she pushed herself faster.

4 other assassins tried to detain her during her escape.

The first one ended up with his bones curled inwards, ribs stabbed into their organs.

The second one had a heart attack.

The third one died with a torn trachea, like his flesh had been torn out with teeth.

The fourth one died from his major arteries being cut.

Marinette ran until she could hear her heart in her ears and the sound of the plane was bursting her eardrums. She could see a lady dragging Damian into the jet forcefully, and Marinette ran as fast as she could.

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