Chapter 3

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Hmmm, I'm late I know and I'm sorryyy

Cause like... I completely forgot this existed until my wifey mentions my stories and how I've been doing with them. 

And then I'm just like... oops. So here we are! Another update after quite the whiles.

(More apologies for the wait, loves; I am sorry that I made you wait)

I got married with a broken foot and crutches (a wheelchair during the celebration after though) but I now have a wife 🥴🥴🥴 Thank you all for your support before the ceremony <333 it was very much appreciated!

But please, feel free to just ignore me and read what I wrote lol

Enjoy, comment along the way, do whatever.


For 3 months Damian expertly avoided the rest of his family, constructed a strict schedule that enabled that while also changing it an random intervals in case of an unexpected interruption and made sure that he was as least imposing as possible.

He still got the same stilted questions which he answered as quickly as possible, removing all emotion from his voice as was expected. His mother would be most displeased if he forgot everything he had been taught. She would most assuredly test him the moment that he returned to the League and if he did not meet her expectations, it would not end well for him.

And with every second that went by, as he went through his normalized schedule, 3 months became 4 before jumping to 6 months, and then Damian had totaled to spending 9 months with the Wayne's.

It was a strange thought and Damian could not help but notice that throughout the time, the looks he'd gotten were much harsher, especially from Todd. Even when he addressed them by their last names they did not seem pleased with him - he was showing them an appropriate amount of respect, especially as he was not yet near their training level and could not call himself equal to them. 

He did not use the customary Master or Mistress honorific because it would likely not be well-received, but surely they did understand that he was trying to show them respect? It would be entirely untoward if he allowed himself to call them by their personal names.

It was confusing and Damian had tried to understand it many times, especially during meal times which was truly the only time during the day that everybody in the household was gathered together.

And yet, despite all his notes and observances, he could not understand what was upsetting them so.

With a heaving breath, Damian rolled his shoulders as he corrected his movement once more, growling in frustration as he, again, failed to strike as he should. Shifting his leg more to the side, stiffen his shoulders, and taking a breath, he startled when a voice sounded behind him.

"Shift your hips and put your legs back where they were. Now align your shoulders with your legs rather than your hips."

A hand pressed against his back and Damian followed the given instructions stiffly. "Good, now strike."

Again he followed direction and found his movements to be much smoother, and Damian switched his dagger to the other hand before repeating the motion. Again, very fluid and much better than what he had before.

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