♣️♠️ Chapter 6 ♦️♥️

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It's early in the morning as you watch the sun rise, your legs hang over the edge of the rooftop. You just woke up, but you really like watching the sunrise. You can feel the warmth of the sun slowly warming up your body. The bruises Niragi left on your body are slowing fading, the shade is turning a bit yellow, some already fade away. The sun is now high in the bright, open blue sky. You stretch your body and make your way back to your room, well Niragi's room. As you enter the room you notice that the curtains are open and the bed is neatly made. Niragi is sitting behind his desk, cleaning his gun, as usual. He doesn't look up when you enter his room, taking a seat on the bed. You notice staring at him. His nature might be ugly but his looks certainly are not. His black hair is pulled back in his regular half-bun, the features of his face are now soft as he is concentrating.

''Enjoying the view, princess?'' your cheeks flushes red.

''Don't get cocky,'' you reply. ''So... what did you do before the borderlands?'' instantly his features harden at your question, his jaw is clenched. You wonder why.

''No comment,'' he snaps.

''Why not? What was your life like? Do you have family? What kind of job did you practice?''

''Stop with the fucking questions,'' he is now staring back at you, his jaw is still clenched. Fire in his eyes.

''I want to know more about my.. how do I say this nicely 'offender'. If you are interested, I was still in school. Studying to become a elementary teacher. Your turn'' you smirk.

Niragi puts his gun down and slowly makes his way to you. He pushes you back in the cushions, climbing on top of you. He grabs your wrists and puts them above your head. The smell of his cologne hits your nose. It actually smells nice, like a woody, spicy scent.

''I don't want to talk about it,'' His features are soft again, you notice something in his eyes but you can't put your finger to it. You could tell his mind wanders away. His grip soften around your wrists. You raise a brow.

''Niragi, you there?''

For a moment his actions are paused. He then releases your wrists, he gently touches your face. ''How come you are so pretty,'' your cheeks flushes again. He has hurt you, mentally and physically. But there is this feeling that hits your body when you look at him, when he touches your body. It almost feels like your body is begging for his attention and you hate him for that. You feel ashamed because you feel that way.

''Y/n, you there?'' he returns your question with a smirk. ''Why are you blushing?'' He leans forward, his lips brushes against your ear. ''Don't tell me you are starting to like me, princess,'' his gaze meets yours.

''I.. will never.. like you,'' you whisper out and Niragi chuckles. His thumb runs over you cheek. ''Such a filthy mouth for a pretty girl like you,'' you jerk your head out of his grip. But he grabs your chin roughly, turning your head back so you are facing him. He leans forward, you can feel his lips on yours. His lips are soft and also taste a bit sweet like strawberries. You begin to struggle, trying your best to break free from his grip. You notice a new sensation in your body reacting to his attention. Lust? He releases you from his grip. His fingers brushes against your skin, he starts at your burning-red cheek, slowly making their way to your blouse. One by one with one hand he unbuttons your blouse, exposing your bikini top. His smirk is sinister. He presses his lips against your sensitive skin, lightly presses kisses along your throat.

''No.. please,'' you let out a shaky whisper.

''Do you want me to stop, princess,'' he whispers against your skin. You bite your bottom lip, contemplating your next answer.

''That's what I thought,'' he chuckles. Niragi continues to press kisses along your body. You could feel the cold metal from his tongue piercing on your throat. ''Fuck,'' you breath out as you shift your body. You try not to moan, you refuse to give him the satisfaction that you actually like this. His thumb lightly runs over your bottom lip. You both lock your gaze. You can't help yourself and you reach your forward, touching his cheek. Immediately he smacks your hand away.

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