16 1 3

After that day.. I always bump onto her at the streets. We didn't even care to say hi to each other anymore even though I really want to.

"Are you following me? Should I call the police on you?!" She scream at me making everyone look at us. The way she gave me a disgust looks.. it's hurt BUT I'm not stalking anyone. I'm a busy man too. "Excuse me? Are you accusing me for stalking you? I'm about to cross this road so please move" I tried to walk away. "No no no don't move! I'll call the police" she open her phone. Then I feel buzzing thing in my pocket. "Oh wait on a second" I put my phone a speaker

Mrs.Cha : yeobuseoyo Sajang-nim
Hanbin : yes, sorry Mrs.Cha, please tell the others that'll be a bit late
Mrs.Cha : perhaps..may I know why?
Hanbin : oh someone accused me for stalking them..they might call police maybe
Mrs.Cha : what?! I don't think this need a lawyer right?
Hanbin : I'll ask them first

"Erm hey miss, do you think I need a lawyer to solve this?" She just stood day stunned.

Hanbin : I think they said no
Mrs.Cha : okay..i get it now please be fast they won't stay any longer if you're too late into the meeting
Hanbin : I think we already finish, I'll be there
Mrs.Cha : nae.. *hang up*

"I-I'm sorry" she bowed and run away. If she's the only one that act that way..she won't notice how hurt it is..

Meeting room
"Sorry guys!" I walk into the room. The all greet me. "There's a crazy woman calling me a stalker" I sighed. "That's terrible!" One of my choreographer said. "Okay let's discuss about the song, shall we?" They all nodded.

"So..for Waterfall Album, we already finish with the title track right?" They all nodded. "We already finish with 9 side tracks too so that leave us with one more side track" the MILLENNIUM producer said. "Actually I would like to put one more song in the list, I already finish with the lyrics and beats..I just need to record the song for now" the others nodded.

"Can you let me check the lyrics? Maybe I can help with fixing some parts?" I nodded and let him check the lyric paper. "The beat kinda catchy but the lyrics is a bit sad, so you already have the way of singing it right? Can you singing it first here?" I'm a bit hesitate but just follow them.

"Okay I think it can pass in the track, let's put it in the album so it'll be 12 tracks" we all nodded. "The choreographer can start making the dance move for some of the songs that Kim Hanbin-ssi wanted" my choreographer nodded. "I think that's all for the meeting right? Is there anything else?" They all shook their head. "Okay so that's it for today's meeting, thank you for patiently wait for me" I bowed at them. "Good works today everyone" they all bowed.

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