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My my..(my my oh my~ jk) Hanbin still teasing me about the first kiss I made before. To be honest..as time goes by I realized we don't have the connection we used to have..we kept on misunderstood each other and fight about it. Now we fighting more than loving and I'm getting sick of it..

The love..I can't see it anymore and it seems like he also see it but remain silent hoping there's still a spark in our heart to stay.

When can I tell him..and most important thing is how am I suppose to tell him? I just can't stay any longer..I don't want to see him in pain after the break up but at the same time..I can't also force myself into a relationship I don't want..

The more I think the more tired I felt everytime he's with me. Hanbin-ah..please understand me for only this time. I want to end it without any grudge.

"Jagiya~" Hanbin give me a back hug. "E-eo hanbin-ah why?" I asked him. "You know I'm going to have a world tower soon..would you come with me?" He pout. "I can't.. I'm busy with my work too" I sighed. "Oh.. it's okay" he smile warmly. I want to be nice but..if I keep acting that way..he won't understand.

"I have to go now, bye" he was about to kiss me but I quickly walk away.

Hanbin poV
Why is she being cold to me these days.. it's hurting me wargh I want to scold her but I can't she's still my lovely baby..if I did that she'll get hurt but now I'm the one that hurt..should I discuss with her? Wargh I'm going crazy right now..

Should I message her? I'll treat her dinner and discuss about it..should I make a reservation in a private restaurant? so at least we can talk without others listen to..

I'll make a reservation. I make a phone call to my friend's restaurant.


What is it?

Please make a free time at 9, I'll take you on dinner

Sure see you later

I hope she have smthg to say..she really need to explain herself..is it because she's on 'that' time or she really changed.

"Annyeong jagiya~ do you miss me?" I hug her. "yes I did" she said in a cold tone. She doesn't seem sincere with her words. The way she said.. it's empty with no feeling at all.

"Here" I pull the chair for her to sit. "Thank you" why is she only answered when I talk to her.. she didn't want to start a conversation now?

"I already ordered..so let's talk" I smile at her. "Why are you acting this way?" I asked her as calm as I could. "Acting like what? Oh..haha I get it.. now you're tired of my attitude isn't?" She laugh sarcastically. "What are you talking about? Me? Tired?" I asked her back. "Isn't this the real Haein that you liked before? You just have gotten bored with the clingy me now" she laughed.

"How dare you say that to my face after all the effort I put to show my love to you?!" I scream my heart out to her. "Where... I'm getting sick already, I'm sorry Hanbin but I think we have to quit this.. let's end it here" She said calmly. "No we can't! I can't leave without you! Don't leave me..w-we can still change it you know?" I cried with broken pieces in heart.

"Hanbin.." she looked at me who's already in breakdown. "I'll buy you flowers everyday.. I'll cook for you too, we both can fix it" I hug her tightly. "Hanbin..you can't deny it anymore..the love isn't there..now it sounds like an obsession!" She push me. "Can't you listen to me once!?" I scold her and throw the flower I got for her.

"Idiot.. have you listen to me too these days?! Look at me $(um&@g! You see me but you make me look like a mother taking care of her son! YOU! Aish...FCK IT YOU LIL BLLSHT I'M TIRED OF THIS FCKING RELATIONSHIP! WE'RE BREAKING UP" she walked away and slammed the door behind her.

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