"Here they come!"

As soon as those word left Shinobu's lips, their pursuers leveled and aimed their guns once more. However, Giyu won't stand back this one.

With a tremendous amount of dexterity, he aimed back and shot twice against the left rider sending him back to where he came from. And he even thought about him and gave him a gift: two bullets.

When the man fell, Douma cursed again. This is not supposed to be happening. This was supposed to be an easy hunt, a simple seek and destroy operation. Yet, there he is, with a shit ton of lost men and vehicles destroyed.

However, as much as he hated to admit, he still has two cards to play. First he has the sniper waiting for his order to shoot and the other one is an ambush just ahead. A perfect plan that was just created in case of emergency. Douma hoped to not use it, however, extreme situations requires extreme measures.

"Cut their path!" He ordered first through the intercom system "And shoot! Take that bastard out!"

Another order. This time for the stalking sniper that was waiting for the order to pull the trigger.

It was then, that Sabito took a decision.


To kill or not to kill his best friend.

Follow orders or follow his own desires.

Sabito felt cold sweat on his back as he fought an internal war. His heart demanded that he saves Giyu and Shinobu. His brains saying that he should follow orders and live a happy life with Kanae. Love or friends?

The rumbling on his intercom brought him back. They are coming, fortunately for the others, he has positioned himself on an empty parking lot, third floor and a perfect view to the main street of the market. An amazing view without any obstructions. A spot to kill for.

"Bloody Hell." He cursed while loading the bullets to his rifle "Let's focus."

He looked through the scope. Hundreds if not thousands of people are walking around the street. Unaware of the situation. They don't even suspect that a persecution will take place there. They won't imagine that a man is looking through a scope with the finger on the trigger. A single tap could end a life without any effort.

Such a simple way of living. To be ignorant of whatever happens on the dark side.

Sabito took a deep breath when three bikes made a grand entrance. Trailing like running devils and worrying not about civilians when they shot one another.

Sabito growled. He adjusted and prepared to take a shot. A single bullet will be enough for the two of them. If he can have some kind of mercy, this will be. That way Giyu and Shinobu will not suffer at the hands of that psycho.

As he prepared for the moment, flashes began to plague his mind. Days at the army, at the highschool. Giyu's smile, Kanae's smile, Shinobu's laugh. Every single moment they spent together. That will be the only memory that will remain after he pulls the trigger.

Only a faint ghost of his best friend and Kanae's sister. Two phantoms that will vanish.

One if the riders fell. Giyu is still sharp as a fucking knife. That bastard will drag as much people as he can if he were to die.

Then, his eyes spotted it. A vehicle that will cut their escape and probably put an end to everything. Yeah, that will be...


When he heard the order, his decision was already made, without any remorse, Sabito pulled the trigger.


It was a fraction of second. A truck was coming their way and there was nowhere to go. Game over for the two escapists. That should be the end.

If it wasn't for a certain marksman.

The driver couldn't saw where it came from. He died before he could even put the foot on the pedal. A sniper bullet pierced right through his head and ended his miserable life.

Giyu and Shinobu escaped their end, once more.

The blue eyed man smiled. No matter what, Sabito will always cover his back, even if that means to risk his own life and future.

"Fuck!" Douma cursed when he saw that his plan failed, once more "That fucker!"

When he ends this, he will personally kill that bastard and his bitch too.

The two bikes turned a corner and made their way through a vacant warehouse. It used to be a big place for boats to unload their daily fishing earnings. However, time passes and now it is lucky if it sees one or two boats a day.

"Just die!" Douma accelerated and rammed against the other vehicle.

Bad move. He flew some meters after losing control. His anger was getting the best of him. Taking rash and stupid decisions is not the best, but sometimes can be effective as Giyu and Shinobu shared the same fate.

Nos the three of them sprawled on the floor after the fall.

Giyu pushed himself up. Ignoring the pain in his side and looked around. The guns were too far away to run. If that blonde bastard were injured, then there will be no problem. However, he is standing too. Smiling like he already won the battle. Shinobu panted and tried to get up, but she was too hurt to do it.

Giyu has to end it now.

"I finally catch you!" Douma smiled and walked like a champion to his cup "Now, let's end this stupid game! No guns, no weapons, only our fists!"

He threw some inaccurate punches. The former captain guarded against them and countered with body blows.

"Damn!" That fucker hit hards.

Before Douma could react, a straight impacted his jaw, making him retreat and put all his strength on not falling.

Giyu took a step back and stared down at the new bleeding blonde. A satisfactory feeling crawled up his face and made him smile. Know he will take revenge for all this bastard has done to him and Shinobu.

Douma trembled when Giyu took a fighting stance again.

Maybe, just maybe. He fucked with the wrong guy.

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