Who are you?

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Shinobu didn't have any time to process what just happened. A massive explosion took place on the lobby. Masked men came with guns and began to spread death left and right. She had to run for her life escorted by four men, all clad in black and carrying weapons.

Her brain was near the breaking point.

"Where to?" The man whom they referred as captain talked to no one she could see. After some seconds he nodded "Be sure to be there in five minutes... yes, we will."

He filled in the details. Kocho couldn't heard it at all. Her eyes went from one place to another, wherever she looked at there were bodies scattered. Blood and gore covered what once was her work space. White walls were tainted red, she felt her heart on her throat.

The captain walked to her. A pair of deep sea blue eyes pierced Shinobu's heart. A fierce yet warm gaze came from them, a man who feared nothing and will face the reaper itself. One man who can kill anytime. She have seen those eyes before... only a name come to her mind when she sees that color.


"We have to go. They will come here soon." She was cut off before the name was spoken "We will guide you to somewhere safe."

A ray of hope. A way out of here for her and maybe...

"W-what about the others at the lobby?" Her voice trembled as her eyes began to water "If you four go there then sure—"

"We are not here to save any other than you." The man cut her before she could finish her request "Now, move. We have to go."

She didn't move. Instead her legs refused to hear her commands.


The butterfly was taken aback. It wasn't Tomioka-san at all. Only a rather strange man. And yet, she fluttered at the only sight of him.


She knew that it was no request but an order.


Keeping the pace of trained elite soldiers can be impossible for a normal civilian. Even though Kocho spend her days at college as part of the track and field team, she thought that fitness wasn't a problem at all, Shinobu even won competitions all around the country.

However, this four men are monsters. They were carrying guns and extra equipment, maybe ten or twenty pounds extra weight. Not even one of them seemed to be catching a breather. On the contrary, she felt sweaty and her lungs began to ask for more oxygen.

"Wait." The captain ordered. Even when everyone stopped their awareness remained. Hearing, smelling and watching became priority.

They must be on edge for any sense of danger coming at them.

It hasn't been long since they left the basement. Going up the emergency stairs was the best option and they didn't ignored it. Nevertheless, the danger of those terrorist finding them lingered in the air.

Shinobu catched her breath. It was a relief. From the corner of her eyes, she watched as the captain observed her. For a second Kocho felt like that pause was her fault. A feeling of useless bursted inside her.

"Move." The man whispered after some second and they resumed their march up, up and up. To the only place a helicopter could land in there.

*bang!* a door was slammed a couple of floors down. They heard chattering and running. The men with Oni masks have found them.

"Oh, shit. Everyone run!" As soon as the captain said that a bullet made a hole right over Shinobu's head, just some centimeters away from her skull.

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