chapter ten

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6 months later
So, turns out I was pregnant. I was now 7 months pregnant and Phil and I couldn't be more happier.

After Phil and I got married in Vegas we had a party at our house to celebrate the great news. There he gifted me a "real" wedding ring that was so beautiful.

We decided not to go on our honeymoon till after we have the baby. We booked a flight to Greece several months after the due date.

Surprisingly, after Alan separated from us and stood in Vegas, he formed a relationship with Cassie.

She was actually a sweet woman despite her sassy attitude when we first met her at the pawn shop.

Today was their wedding. They were having it at Tracy and Alan's childhood home.

   The guys were all groomsmen and wore classy black suits while Tracy, Lauren, and I were bridesmaids. We wore beautiful strapless baby blue dresses.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" Lauren asked me.

We were currently waiting in the backyard, mingling with guests before the ceremony started.

"I was thinking Lily if it's a girl or Jesse if it's a boy." I smiled. Phil and I decided to find out the baby's gender when it's born, we want to be surprised.

"Does Phil like those names?" Tracy questioned me.

"Please, I'm the one carrying the baby." I shrugged, "But, yeah, he likes those names." I laughed.

"They're really cute names." Lauren nodded her head.

   "I'm just not over how amazing you look." Tracy gushed, motioning to my body. I had a cute small bump and I was glowing.

   "I hope I look like that when I get pregnant." Lauren added.

   "Aw, you guys are so sweet. Thank you." I soaked up in their compliments.

   "Lauren, you need to hurry up and get pregnant, so all of our kids can be friends." Tracy told Lauren.

   "Imagine all of our kids playing together!" I happily said.

   Lauren smiled, "I think Stu and I are gonna start trying in the next year or so."

   "They'll be a mini wolf pack." I joked.

   "Awww." Tracy and Lauren awed in unison.

   "Soph," Phil interrupted us, "Come on, we're gonna go get Alan."

   "I'll see you guys in five." I told Tracy and Lauren as I walked away with Phil.

   "How's the baby doing?" He asked me.

   Ever since I got pregnant Phil has gotten so protective of the baby and I, it's honestly cute.

   Eli was also really excited to become a big brother.

   Those two were counting down the days till my due date.

   "The baby is fine, just like when you asked fifteen minutes ago." I laughed.

   "And how bout you? You okay?" He quickly asked me.

   "Yes, Phil. I feel great." I smiled as we approached Stu at the bar.

   "You also look great." He complimented me.

"Thanks, baby." I thanked him.

   "Hey, what's up?" Stu greeted us.

   "We're gonna go get Alan. Ya coming?" Phil told him.

   Stu nodded his head yes and we all walked into the house.

the hangover 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon