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Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldie. She had beautiful blonde hair, soft peachy skin, and rosy red lips. She lived with her mum in a small town by the sea in the Lost Realm. She had always lived in Dock Town all her life, but she always wondered about her father. She always asked her mum, but her mum always avoided the question until one day.

Goldie woke up and got ready and had her breakfast; porridge, her favorite meal. She always watched out the window, waiting for it to be just right. Her mother came through and noticed something on Goldie's arm. She pulled back her daughter's sleeve to find thick, brown hair slowly spreading over her skin.

"Sweetie, do you have a headache?" Goldie responded by nodding, her mum frowned.

"Does your teeth ache?" She gulped, Goldie nodded again.

"What's wrong with me, Mum?" Asked Goldie.

"It's happening," Mum whispered to herself.

"Mum!" Goldie shouted, her mum started packing a basket filling it with food, water, blankets, and a map."

"Goldie, go get ready."


"I said go get ready!" Her mum raised her voice. Silently, Goldie scurried off to her room and put on her blue dress and blue cloak while tying her hair up in a ponytail. She returned back to the front room, where her mum sat at the table waiting, eyes full of tears with the basket in front of her.

"Goldie, sit down!" Mum gestured.

"What's going on?" Said Goldie.

"I haven't been honest with you." Goldie frowned. She raised her shoulders, tilting her head forward. "It's about your father, you see, he's different to normal dads. Your father is a bear. We fell in love many years ago , and he left because of a curse. He told me that you may turn into a bear when you're older and then left. Now, I don't know how we are going to fix this, but I know where he is and he will be able to help you." Goldie's eyes widened. She was in disbelief.

"Where?" She desperately asked.

"This map shows you where he is. It's a day's walk from here. If you go now, you'll find the answers about how to cure this - if not, you'll turn into a bear forever!" Mum wept. She handed Goldie the basket and escorted her to the front door.

"Why can't you come with me?" Goldie asked.

"I have work." Mum said as she slammed the door, Goldie was confused. Why was Mum so keen to get rid of her so soon? She looked at the spreading fur on her arm and then covered it back again. She was worried. She took out the map and began her journey to her father's cottage deep in the woods.

Through the woods, Goldie encountered many magical creatures and animals, going about their daily lives, looking for food and gathering before the cold weather came. She skipped through the forest, singing to herself, with her basket in one hand and the map the other. Even though she was worried about her curse, she was filled with hope. Hope for her father, who she thought  would be happy to help her get rid of it. It started to itch, which was annoying, the itching spread up her arm, at this point she knew the curse had almost devoured her right arm. Annoyed about the itching, she stopped the scratching and stomped off in a huff.

As the darkness crept in, Goldie found herself nowhere near her father's cottage and nowhere near anywhere to sleep, so bravely, instead of sleeping, she carried on walking. Ambitious, she wanted to be there by first light. She battled through thorn bushes, climbed boulders shaped like mountains, over fast rivers while dodging wolves and other predators who wanted to devour her.

As the morning came, Goldie finally found the cottage. As she came to the front door, she felt hesitant to knock at first. It was her first time meeting her father. Would she like him? Or would he like her? Is he tall or short? Strict or caring? Will he help her? These questions were filling her head, almost driving her crazy. Gently she knocked, there was no answer. She knocked again and still no answer. She pushed the door aside, and no one was there. The door opened up to the living room. There were three chairs, one so big it could fit an elephant, one so small not even Goldie's dolls would be able to sit in it, but the one in the middle was just right. Goldie ran over to the comfy jump and jumped onto it. She sank in the chair, it was soft as a Sheep's coat. As she sat there, she smelt something delicious. In the kitchen behind the set of chairs, there were three bowls. She tried the biggest, it was too salty, so she tried the littlest one, it was too sweet but the one in the middle was just right. She ate the whole bowl. Her hunger had overpowered her body, and she could not resist. After, she yawned so loud the entire kingdom could hear her. She went onto exploring upstairs to find a double bed and a small bed by the side of it. She jumped onto the right side of the bed and lay down, this side of the bed was too lumpy, she looked over and saw she was too big for the small bed, so she rolled over to the other side of the bed, which was the most softest side, her eyes became heavy, so she closed them for a minute and ended up falling asleep.

By Afternoon, a family of Bears saw the front door open, they slowly sneaked through the doorway, their eyes scanning the room at every angle, awaiting for someone to jump out at them.

"Someone's eaten my porridge," said Mother Bear. 

"Mother Bear, someone's eaten my porridge," said Father Bear.

"They've also eaten Buddy's porridge, too." Mother Bear added, Father bear heard snoring coming from upstairs, he picked up a large dagger from his belt and tip-toed upstairs. At the top, he saw Goldie in his bed on Mother Bear's side. He crept forward until he was hovering over her. He licked his lips and held the dagger in the air. He looked at her arm. Her nails were growing long, black and sharp with brown hair spreading, identical to his own. He pulled back the sleeve to find more hair up her arm, bushy bear hair. He knew who she was.

Goldie woke up, screamed, and rolled off the bed. She ran to the corner of the room, she looked terrified, her knees shook like jelly as her breathing got heavy as she stared up at the humongous bear.

"Y-you must be m-my father," Goldie could barely speak, she shook so much.

"Unfortunately, yes." He bluntly frowned.

"My mum, she told me I'm cursed," She showed him her hairy arm, her eyes lit up at how much the curse had spread.

"I saw." He bluntly said.

"Can you help me?" She begged.


"There must be something, please! I can't become a bear." She cried out. He grabbed her arm and dragged her downstairs, and threw her out of the cottage.

"You are no child of mine. Go back to mummy and let her sort out this mess. I have my own family" He shouted, then slammed the door. Goldie cried, and the curse spread more until she was fully transformed. She grew a snout, her arms, body and face covered in hair, her eyes glowed gold, and her golden curly hair turned brown. She ripped off her dress with her long black claws. Her father watched her from the window, his eyes full of water. She gave him one last look, growling as her upper lip lifted and showed off her two long, vampire-like fangs before running off.

Goldie tried going home, but even her own mum saw her as nothing but a monster and not her daughter anymore, so Goldie disappeared into the forest, never to be seen again.

The End?

GoldieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora