Jimmy, a good husband.

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"We'll meet here, at the crack of dawn, tomorrow," the red sweater wearing man declares "then the red king will be gone." the cyannete noded in agreement "Grian, I'm not doubting you..." the cyannete begins "Okay maybe in doubing you slightly. But how can we be sure the plan will work..?" Worry filled the man's words. Not for himself, for his husband.. "trust me Scott. Me and Scar have spend the whole games digging out the desert. The plan is full proof" Grian says, nuging the colourless man whom stood next to him "right bud?" Scar noded. Scott looked over, a smaller blonde stood next to him. Jimmy looked up to him, the lifelessness of his body never failed to send a cool chill down Scott's back. "I'll be fine!" The blonde said, intertwining his hands with the Cyannetes. Scott sighs and looks back over to Grian and Scar. "Fine. Well go along with you two."

"I still feel like this will go terribly wrong!" Scott cried. The two had returned to their home in the valley. "The worst thing that could happen is for one of us to die." Jimmy says, not an ounce of fear in his words. "That's the thing I'm worried about!" The cyannete cries "what if you die Jimmy! Your a red life. Your not coming back!" At this point, the green life had gotten off the floor and began to pace around the grassy lands. "Scott, darling, it will be fine. We can trust Grian and Scar!" The blonde said, a warm and comforting smile drew itself across his face. Scott had stopped pacing, however his thoughts would not rest. He cared for his husband. Jimmy ment the world to him. "Maybe you should sleep on it," Jimmy said, hosting himself off the ground "I know that helps me when I'm worried."
"Yeah.. I'll sleep on it"

He did not.

The cyannete sat in his bed throught the night, his thoughts driving him mad. What if he dies? What if Jimmy dies? What if Jimmy dies and its his fault? What if they succeed? What if they both die? What if Grian and Scar betray them and kill the both of them? These thoughts left Scott in a cold sweat. After a while of this, the green life headed out of his hobbit hole and over to his loves.

He gently knocked the door. No response. He knocked again, this tike harder. No response. At this point Scott decided to just go in. Jimmy was probably still asleep. "Jim, you need to get up." The taller said heading down the stairs. He reached Jimmy's room. He knocked. And knocked again. But no response. Scott opened to door to see Jimmy asleep in his bed. Kind of. He was half in bed and half on the floor.. The cyan haired man let out a laugh. This awoke the sleeping red life. "How do you sleep like that" Scott says through small laughs.
"It's comfortable alright!" Jimmy says, getting himself out of bed.
"Alright sleeping beauty. Now get ready, we're meeting the desert duo in 15 minutes." Scott says leaving Jimmy's room.

Five minutes pass before Jimmy emerged from his home. The two grabbed some gear and set off to the land of the sand people.

Upon arrival, Grian ushered Jimmy into the bunker along with Scar. Both Scott and Grian stayed of the surface, they'd be baiting Dogwarts in so Scar and Jimmy could set the of the tnt trap to explode the place Grian and Scar called home. "And when me or Scott say so, you pull that lever there" The red sweater wearing man says, pointing to a lever that had been put onto the bunkers wall. "Righty 'o!" Scar says looking through the peep hole. "Um, Grian.. we have guests" the cyanette says pointing to the nearing group. "Alright, you know what to do" Grian says to Scar before he and Scott made their way to Dogwarts. "What brings you lot here then?" Grian says holding his hand over his sword. "We're here to collect somthing of ours." Martyn says, drawing his sword. "We don't have anything that belongs to you." Scott says grasping the handle of his blade.
"Oh you do Smajor. Our banner. The one we gave you in the vally" Ren says
"Jimmy burnt it. He did it infornt of you!" Scott cries grasping the handle tighter. Then it began. The first arrow was shot at the two. Scott and Grian began to slowly lead the fight to the area where the tnt was situated. As the fight got more heated a message popped through the system.

Smajor1995 was shot by Etho

Grian yelled to Scar to pull the lever. But he didn't. He yelled again.

Grian was shot by InTheLittleWood

Nothing. Until a death message came through the system.

SolidarityGaming was shot by Skizzleman

Finally Scar pulled the lever, setting of the explosion. Yet, no one died. Except there own..

Reading the message the Cyannete falls to his knees. His fear had came true. They had truly lost. Grasping the poppy flower the blonde first gave him during the games, the cyannete wept. However he quickly stoped himself. He had little time to mourn the lose. Soon Dogwarts would be after him. Before leaving the vally, The new yellow life takes a few items that held a special value to his fallen lover and buried them under his grave..

- Jimmy, a good husband
Episode 1 - Episode 6

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