Chenle's not even sure that is what is going on here. Maybe this whole Jisung fascination is misplaced anxiety about starting a new relationship with the girl he really does like. Maybe he's just underestimating how good of a friend the Park is to him. It could be anything.

It doesn't help the situation when his girlfriend sends a text alerting the Zhong that she's going to sleep, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Then he lays there and suffers.

He doesn't know how long he was there, staring at his ceiling, but it feels like both seconds and eternity. The only stop to his existential crisis is the vibration of his phone he tossed aside on his bed.

Someone's calling him, and he assumes it to be his girlfriend changing her mind, but the caller I.D. shows someone else entirely.

His curiosity is piqued at the notice of the late hour, and he can't help but wonder if his mess of thoughts summoned the boy.

Intrigued, he answers, holding the device to his ear.

"Go to sleep." Jisung's low tone emerged on the other side, causing a small smile to form on Chenle's face.

"I'm trying." Is his reply, attempting to sound honest. "I was just dozing off, your call woke me up."

A scoff was heard, seeing through the boy's words. "I can see your light on through the window. Who are you trying to fool?"

One of the perks of living on the same street as your best friend: near constant supervision.

"Alright." Chenle huffed, both sitting and giving up. Dropping his defenses, he decided to be honest for once. "I can't sleep."

There was a moment of silence as Jisung pondered, forming a reply. When it came, it was soft, spoken almost as a question. "I can be ready in a few minutes."

While the statement was incomprehensible to anyone hearing it, Chenle knew just what the boy meant. The words brought a small smile to the Zhong's face, the idea appealing greatly to him. "Deal."

"Alright. I'll see you soon." Jisung breathed the statement, saying nothing else before he ended the call.

A sudden excitement filling him, Chenle moved to the closet, throwing on the first pair of shoes he could find, along with a thin jacket.

Checking the hallway, Chenle was pleased to find it void of any sound, assuming his parents had already gone to bed hours before. He should have been sleeping as well, but this offer was just too good to pass up.

Slinking down the stairs, the Zhong attempted to find his front door in the dark without injuring himself. Eventually he reached it, the rest of his house completely silent.

Knowing full well what horrors would face him if his parents found out he was sneaking out, Chenle disregarded them, closing the door softly behind him.

Jisung was already waiting out of the dark street, damp from an earlier rain. He gave his friend a nod, hands deep in his pockets.

Smiling at Chenle's plaid pajama pants, Jisung shook his head as the boy approached. "You sure you want to do this? You could stay home and sleep."

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