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I saw our cousin Hurichan and my brother Bayazit. They were kissing and giggling, I walked over to them angry "Bayazit!" I yelled and they quickly fell apart, I looked at them both angry and disappointed "what is happening here" I said as calmly as possible, they both looked down and stayed silent "I asked you a question, you better answer me within the next minute or I'm telling mom" I warned Bayazit "we were just talking" he said and I sighed "do you think I'm bling Bayazit? I'm disappointed in you brother" I told him "as for you" I turned and looked at Hurichan " I'll have talk with you in private " I mentioned for Bayazit to leave and I grabbed Hurichan's arm and dragged her into an empty chamber "listen now Hurichan" I said calmly " I don't know what plans you have with my brother but delete them from your memory because they won't happen any time soon, so I suggest you to have talk with your mother about marrying another man because my brother won't be in the picture anymore" I told her angry and she looked at me sad "I love him..." She whispered and I sighed "I wouldn't be surprised if your mother forced you into all this just to get revenge for Hatice's death, it doesn't even matter" I smirked " I won't let it happen, if you try anything at all with Bayazit I promise you.. consiqenses will be bad" she looked at me scared and I left. I made my way to the garden to pick up some roses when all of sudden someone grabbed my arm from behind and turned me around, I looked at the person scared and saw it was Bayazit, "What did you tell her!" He yelled at me "LET ME GO!" I yelled back and he gripped my arm more "what did you tell her" he said trough gritten teeth " what she needed to hear" I said calmly, he let go of my arm "have some respect Bayazit, I'm your older sister not younger" I told him and he looked at me angry "as long as you try to destroy my happiness you're nothing to me" he said and I felt tears in corners of my eyes "Bayazit...how can you said that" I whispered "I'm just trying to protect you! It's not right! How can you not see that!" I sniffed and wiped my tears "maybe I don't see it because I love her, she is the only person that makes me happy...the only person I can feel safe with and show my emotions to.." I listened to him as I watched him, I don't remember the last time I saw him smiling, or crying,  he never really showed his emotions he's to scared that he will be judged if he does "Bayazit I.." I started but he stopped me "I don't wanna hear it Hieren, get away from me, I don't want to see you again" he said and left, I was heart broken, I couldn't believe he would say that to me, maybe I did do the wrong thing but I just want to protect my family..I decided to let him think for some time before talking to him again. I walked around the garden with few roses in my hands while taking in the beautiful weather,I then saw smiling woman walking towards me, I would recognize her anywhere, long wavy black hair, dark brown eyes and red lips. Nurbanu, my brother's wife, she was beautiful but very annoying and arrogant. "Sualtana" she said with big smile on her face as she walked over to me , I returned the smile "Nurbanu, it's good to see you again" I lied, it wasn't " what are the roses for?" She asked still smiling " I just wanted some for my room" I smiled again and gave her one "roses really fits you" I told her and she took it and smelled it "thank you Sultana " she said and we started walking together "Is Hurichan still here?" She asked and I nodded "yeah she is,I talked with her few moments ago" I answered honestly and Nurbanu looked annoyed "Selim was with me whole day yesterday" I said and she started to look more interested, I want the best for my brother so I need to make this work "he told me that you've been doing bad things Nurbanu" I said and stopped walking, she did the same and turned to me, she looked ashamed " Sultana.." "listen to me Nurbanu" I interupted her "I know my brother loves you alot, but I won't let you take privilege of that, you have no idea what I can do to stop you Nurbanu, I'm hoping I won't have to do anything because you will listen to me and stop yourself" I said calmly "I just want to rule with Selim, I love him and I want us to have perfect life " she said and looked down "I said what I said Nurbanu, you can take it as warning or friendly advice, it's up to you" I said before going back in castle. I walked In my dorm and placed the roses in vase "Mommy!" I hear Mehmet yell and I instantly smiled and turned around to see him but with him was Fatma Sultana, my father's sister, I bowed at her "Hello  sultana" I said and she smiled at me "Hieren, I haven't seen you in awhile, how are you" she said happy before sitting down on couch, I picked Mehmet up and sat on couch as well with him on my lap "I'm great Aunt, and you?" I said "I'm good" she smiled and rubbed my back " I'm worried for your mother dear" she said but with smile which can only mean she was sarcastic " why is that "I asked and she chuckled " she sent slave to kings room " she said and I blinked twice " what?" "Yeah she did that because King doesn't want her anymore " she smiled more and I looked at her disturbed " what's so funny about that?" I asked "The king got the slave pregnant" she smiled more and I gasped "there's no way, Auntie if you want to joke around trust me this is not a good time for that" I told her before placing Mehmet down and send him to go play "I'm serious Hieren" I looked at her "Why are you so happy about it? " " Because it's miracle " " it's not! How can that be miracle!  I stood up and she looked schoked " please leave my chamber. I walked to my mother's chamber and let myself in, my mother was sitting on couch drinking coffee with Zumbul aga telling her something, I bowed before walking to her "mother" "Hieren? " She was confused "  Sultana you look as beautiful as always " Zumbul said and I smiled at him "thank you Zumbul, please leave my mother and I alone" he bowed and left, I turned back to my mother "how can you let that happen" I asked her "let what happen?" She asked confused " let another woman enter your husbands bed, you sent her to lay with him mother! You wanted him all by yourself for years, you got rid of all people that stood in the way! And after all that pain and hard work you have him! And now you just handed him to another woman? " I got emotional and started to cry , she stood up "I don't want you guys to separate, this will ruin everything" I said while crying and she hugged me strongly and patted my head "Hieren, my beautiful daughter, it has to happen...I don't look like I did before...my body changed...I want to be perfect for your father but I can't anymore...I had to do it" she said softly " mom...my father loves you so much..he doesn't care about ur looks trust me" I said to her "are you really going to let Fatma laugh at you behind your back and celebrate the new pregnant woman" I asked her and she sighed "let's get ready and go to celebration " she said and I smiled happily.

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