Chapter 20

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Few days have passed from the happenings. Me and Bali Bey have been all lovley dovley to each other the whole time and im happy about it, hes been coming come from work every day with big smile on his face and then he would cuddle me to sleep. The only thing that bothers me is that my mother is still missing...and guards stoped searching for her since they think she is already dead and that theres no use in searching anymore, my father did not get over it and he probobbly wont same as me..I havent seen Mustafa in awhile now and im starting to think it will stay that way..the tought make me really sad if im being honest but its for good.

Ive been feeling sick all morning today and yesterday all day wich can only mean one thing and i hope im right, " Nasia come in my chamber please" I called one of my maids and she came " good morning Sultana" I smiled at her " please bring the nurse"  she bowed and left the room " i hope its true" i whispered to myself before sitting up and doing a little stretch, Bali Bey left for work hours ago and i slept in for a bit since i was feeling sick. After awhile nurse finally came and we did the test (idk how to call it lol), when we were done i waited for her exitetly to tell me to news, she smiled at me before bowing and saying "congratulations Sultana! you are pregnant!" I covered my mouth with my hand out of schock "oh my!" I stood up and hugged Nasia out of exitment " i cant wait to tell Malko!" I said exited before taking few golden coins from my drawr and giving them to the nurse, she thanked me and left. I couldnt wait for Malko (its Malkocolo but its short Malko and its his real name if youre confused) to get home so i got ready to go the palace, i put on one of my favorite dress wich is soft pink velvet with long sleeves, i brushed my hair and put little crown on top. I checked myself in the mirror one last time before telling the maid to get the carrige ready. The whole ride there I was smiling from ear to ear, im so happy! I always wanted a baby and now i will! We arrived at the palace and i got out of carrige and walked in the palace, i walked trough the marbel room and saw some new faces in harem that ive never saw before so i walked over to zumbul aga " Zumbul" i smiled as he turned around and greeted me with smile " our beautifull sultana is finally here again" I giggled softly before asking " i see u brough new ladies to harem" I said as i looked at them "Not me Sultana, our Majesty sister came and brough them with her " "oh? is that so?" i sighed before walking away and to the hall that leads to my fathers chamber, as i finally got to his door i asked his guards to let him know im here and they did just that and he of course let me in. I walked in with smile on my face "father!" my father looked at me " my darling" he said before opening his arm and i ran to him and hugged him "i missed you father..i know its hard for you now but im bringing you happy news" my father looked down at me before saying " oh? what good news? " as i was about to say the news somone walked in the room from the tarace and it was none other than Mustafa, i got so schoked when i saw him that i almost forgot why i was here in the first place "M-Mustafa?" my father looked in direction i was looking at and saw Mustafa "oh right Mustafa came today" I moved away from my father " oh is that so.."Mustafa walked closer to us and bowed " hello" i bowed back "hello.." "so what are the news darling" My father suddenly asked "what?...the news?" I said softly while still looking at Mustafa, i havent seen him in so long and I couldnt help myself "you said u have happy news for me, what is it darling " my father said with smile and i finally looked away from Mustafa and to my father "oh yeah well.."  "lets hear it " Mustafa suddenly said I tried ignoring Mustafa by just looking at my father and smiling at him " im pregnant father" As I said the news my father started smiling and he hugged me " thats wonderful my beautifull daughter! u made my day better" he said before kissing my tample, I could feel Mustafa watching me " Mustafa come congratulate ur sister" my father said happily and Mustafa did just that but with anger shown on every inch of his face " congrats Hieren" he said before hugging me, but the hug was not ususal soft hug it was angry and rough one wich took me by suprise since i didnt know he was actually that angry. We three talked for while in our fathers chamber before he asked us to leave since he had meeting with pashas, as soon as we left his chamber Mustafa grabbed my arm and dragged me to empty chamber and locked the door "What the hell Mustafa!?" I yelled at him confused he then backed me up against the wall and said " how could u do this to me?" I could see tears forming in his eyes "Mustafa.." i whispered softly "after everything..youre carying another mans could u" I looked down " Mustafa he is my husband and i want child.." i said quietly " I couldve give u child!" he yelled at me and i flinched "Please calm down" I said calmly " YOURE CARYING ANOTHER MANS CHILD WHEN IT SHOULD BE MY CHILD INSIDE YOU!" I teared up " he took ur innocens when i shouldve been then one to do that could u do this to me"  "Mustafa i told u we would never get approved and we will never work ou! you know it yourself! Im not gonna spend the reso of my life crying cuz i cant marry the one i love! We have to move on-" I was cut off by Mustafa kissing me but i gently pushed him away " Its dont Mustafa..get over it.." he cried..he looked hurt " are mine Hieren.." " no Mustafa! im married! im having child with this man! just like u did with Fatma!" i yelled at him and he punched the wall behind me wich made me flinch "leave.." he said softly before moving away, i quickly opened the door and left, I said bye to my father and went back to my palace, when i got there i just started bowling my eyes out i dont even know why im crying at this point (lol).  The night has finally come and its time to tell Malko the news, i know he will be happy wich gave me hope to feel better, and there he was i could hear his footsteps coming closer to out shared chamber, I was already in my night wear ready for bed, the door suddenly opened revealing my husband "hello my love" he said as he steped inside and closed the door behind him, i smiled and walked over to him " I have happy news Malko" i said before taking his hands in mine and he looked at me with smile on his face "what news" " we will have a baby pregnant" i smiled from ear to ear expecting the same reaction from his wich i didnt get, he looked at me with horror in his eyes "a..what?" My smile dropped "Im pregnant..arent u happy?" i let go of his hands "of course i am..i just need some fresh air" and with that he left, i was schocked...why wasnt he happy "are u serious..." I whispered to myself before sitting on our bed. That night he didnt came back home..i wasnt suprised..ususaly when he was stressed out or we have fight he go to the bar and spend night at his friends house..but why would he leave now? does he not want child? he was the one who wanted to make it..nothing makes since..

My prince is finally born, it was my first and very hard and painfull delivery...mstly painfull cuz my husband wasnt there...wich hurt me and broke my heart but at least im holding my dear son in my arms. The name ceremony went well, Mihimrha and rustem came as well, My father looked very happy that she came but she was mad..of course she is "He will be named Mehmed" my father announced and i smiled with tears  in my eyes "my little Mehmed" i whispered as i kissed his tiny head, then all my brother (except for Mustafa) came to me one by one and kissed my head and Mihirmha did too, Rustem congratulated me and my father kissed my forehead and Malko did nothing cuz he still didnt show up " Where is Bali beg? how can he miss this" my father asked " he had some work to do " i told him. It was hard for me to do stuff withouth Malko, he was really acting like child, i didnt see him for 3 weeks already until one night he finally came, when he walked trough our chembers door i tough i would cry "Malko? where have you been !?" he ignored me and went to see Mehmed but i stopped him " where were you!? Are u kidding me!?" I was so mad " NASIA! TAKE MEHMED TO OTHER ROOM!" i yelled and hse quickly did that " you are craty woman" Malko said as he sat on bed " you havent seen crazy Malko!" I then started to smell something really cant be..." Malko..did you cheat on me?" He looked up at me with horror in his eyes " why would u say that my love?" he got up and help my hands but i moved away " i smell womans parfeum Malko.." i could feel tears in my eyes going down my cheeks " how could you"  " Hieren.." He tried holding my hands but i backed away again now fully crying " DONT TOUCH ME!!" i screamed at him "tell me the truth!" i yelled at him " yes! i did cheat on you! its been going on for almost a year now! there! are u happy now that u know everything!? I kidnapped a girl cuz u couldnt please me enough! you are always so cold to me and i just-" he yelled at me and i slapped him hard across the face " HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME!!" i screamed at hima nd he looked schoocked "YOU NEVER OPENED YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND SAID ANYTHING! YOU JUST KIDNAPPED A GIRL AND DISAPEARED FOR 3 FREAKING WEEKS JUST TO BE WITH HER!? WE HAVE CHILD MALKO! HOW CAN U BE SO HEARTLESS" I screamed at him from the top of my lungs while crying "GET OUT! I DONT WANNA SEE YOU EVER AGAIN! IM DIVORCING YOU!" i then grabbed him by his collar " and you will never see this child ever again" I said to him coldly before pushing him away "you cant do this to me! HE IS MY SON TOO!" "dont u dare call him your son ever again! he doesnt deserve father like you! now get out before i call the guards!" i yelled and he looked mad "YOU ARE CRAZY" with that he left and sclammed the door behind him and i just said on floor cryng.

srry if this is too much i rlly got into writing  this part lol but hope u enjoy <3

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