𝟯𝟱; 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁-𝘆𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻 & 𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗼𝘆𝗹𝗲

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Felix stared at him for a second before crashing into peals of laughter once again "what?" he shook his head pushing Hyunjin away by his chest as he murmured under his breath before walking out of the room and disappearing into the washroom


and all Hyunjin did was stand there in the middle of the room, shaking his head a little before he chuckled and sighed settling his hands on his hips and wondering 'how'd I get here?' but neither of his heart and mind was complaining, just simply questioning the sweet doings of destiny


"I talked to the manager yesterday" Hyunjin spoke, chewing through fluffy pancakes and humming in delight here and there "oh yea? what about?" Felix asked washing his food down with a sip of tea as he turned his attention toward Hyunjin from his plate "I asked her to change my shift from morning to evening so I can manage better, I had off with the supermarket one yesterday but I've got a four-hour shift today, and school. so keeping all that in mind I made a plan and then talked to her, surprisingly she agreed"

once Hyunjin was done explaining Felix's lips twisted into a smile and his eyes squinted making wrinkles appear at the end of them "look at you, being all professional" he patted Hyunjin's head in admiration making the taller glare at him with a soft shade of crimson romancing his cheeks "do you want to find out what it's like being punched in the face?" Hyunjin smiled, threateningly. making Felix chuckle, well of course he was aware what it felt to be punched in the face but it wasn't as though he'd tell Hyunjin

so he just giggled and pushed the topic away turning his attention back to the food and silence seemed to engulf them before Felix spoke "I'm proud of you, you know" Hyunjin looked up at the boy who had stroked at his heart once again and shred open all of the gates he's locked and left to rust. frozen in place all he could mutter out was a hum that made Felix look up at him and smile, settling his fork down as he reached out his hand to put it on top of Hyunjin's one that was set on the table

"I'm proud of you, Hyunjin, for managing this so well. you've adapted incredibly fast and you're doing such a great job"

The sweet smile that invaded Felix's beautiful face seemed to go nowhere as Hyunjin watched him in astonishment, his mind was blank and all his vision took in was the angelic sight of the brunette boy, he gulped feeling the sight be blurred by tears that menaced to fall and dismantle the mask Hyunjin's sewn on

He looked away from Felix's face and fixated his gaze on the food rather quickly, blinking and gulping continuously to wash away whatever made him so mellow. He hated himself for being so pathetic that he teared up upon hearing Felix be proud of him and praise him but could he really blame himself? All his life praise for doing a good job or being good at something was never something he'd met often

So now that it was rolling in front of him with sincerity he couldn't help but let the dams of his emotions burst. He licked his lips playing with his food and before he could say anything nice the image of his father intruded his thoughts leaving him with nothing but bitter things to say in response, so held back the urge to curse Felix off and shrugged his shoulders as he continued to eat

Making Felix softly chuckle and turn back to eating as well. he'd never in a billion years wish to ever speak to Felix in a manner that could hurt him, so the desire that stirred in his heart made him want to puke out of guilt, he licked his lips once again gathering much courage and eventually staring up at Felix, watching him eat quietly and so at ease put him at ease as well

So he sighed silently and pushed away anything that could've ruined this, them. but oh well, if only he was aware of how cruel life is


The wristwatch on which Hyunjin's eyes were set read out '9:45' Pm as he sighed and shoved his hand back in his jeans' pocket, after long hours that seemed like a thousand lives he was finally finished with all his work and was now on his way back home, the wandering thought of Felix kept knocking at the doors of his mind as he smiled rethinking about the text Felix sent earlier

"I'll take a nap because I'm bored, If I don't wake up when you come home do make sure to wake me up, I miss you"

The tall male found that text so excruciatingly cute, though he wasn't aware of the hell that broke upon Felix when he accidentally typed out his thoughts and even pressed send, and much to his luck when the realization finally settled in Hyunjin wasn't a second late to read. he mentally cursed himself for an hour straight for being so stupid until he eventually fell asleep

Suddenly, Hyunjin's steps were brought to a halt when his phone rang in his pocket and subconsciously a smile flowered his face as he assumed it would be Felix, he pushed in his hand and took out his mobile phone only for his smile to fall flat and his glowing eyes to be unlit, the caller ID read out the name he'd attempted to avoid for a while now and before it could ring another time he sighed and declined the call

eyes still furrowed he began walking attempting to shove his phone back in his pocket but another ring stopped him from doing so, making him sigh in annoyance and slide right on the phone putting the device on his ear as he sighed once again and spoke: "did I not ask you to stop calling me?" the other line was silent for a few seconds before a woman spoke, "I miss you, where are you?" she questioned, voice mellow and quiet "somewhere better than the inferno you pushed me in"

a sniffle could be heard from the other side and Hyunjin's ice-cold demeanor immediately melted, he didn't intend on making his mother cry yet this always ends up happening. he knew it wasn't her fault. after all, you can't quite control who you fall for but he still hated the fact that she loved this man with all her might. though he felt sorry he still didn't dare apologize covering it up with another response "why'd you call?" he questioned, voice softer than before

"I just...want to see your face Hyunjin-ah" she sobbed making his heart ache "I know that you hate me but...am I not allowed to even see your face anymore? you know how much mommy loves you right? how much I miss my little boy? each and every day" her sobs made him want to scream out but he held back any urge to show emotion as he licked his lips and began speaking in his usual monotone "we can't meet right now, I'm busy. I'll make time some other day," he said making her sob louder at the comment which only made him sigh once again

"some other day? am I just somebody to you Hyunjin? that you can go meet only when free? I'm your mother, or am I not? tell me my son do you even see me as a mother anymore?" he remained silent at her emotionally torturing words, assuming that silence would be enough of an answer for her. and it was, so upon that she cried harder but he remained stiff as a statue rigid facial expressions and mouth sealed shut "you have to come meet me, I feel like I'm dying without you. I want to see your face, I-- please" she begged and pleaded and it only infuriated him further

at first, he was affected and hurt by her crying but right now he was beginning to lose his cool not only because she was being 'annoying' but also because she sounded 'dramatic' and 'fake' and he knew it wasn't just him over analyzing it was the truth, she did often manipulate him into doing things she wanted him to do, just like she'd cried the time she asked him to invite Felix over. when he was a child it seemed to work perfectly fine but now that he was grown and had been hurt by everyone he trusted he knew her tactics too well

so good at what she does, perhaps it was the ex-actress in her that flaunted the masquerading so well. "your father is out for a business trip if that is one of the things you are wary of, he won't be back for days. come back home" Hyunjin contemplated the answer for a while before he let out yet another sigh and answered in her favor "fine" but only if he hasn't said those 4 alphabets then maybe, maybe.

𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz