Chapter Ten: Not Alone

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later, I quickly realize the generator isn't working. "I don't was working just fine last time. Wally showed me and everything." I groan in frustration. "Well, it looks like we're going to be hungry and in the dark." Alex sighs. I make my way back to the living room, when I hear a loud slam coming form upstairs. "What was that?" I gasp. "It sounded like a door slamming." From the light of his phone, I can see the look of panic on Alex's face. "That means someone might be in here. Do you think it's Wally?" I ask hopefully. "Seems strange he'd come in without announcing himself. This cabin is old and drafty. Maybe it slammed on its own." Alex says. "I guess we should go find out." I sigh. He nods, "Ladies first?" I shoot him an annoyed look. "Okay, fine. I'll go." He huffs. I watch Alex make his way upstairs before quietly following behind him. "I deserve a raise for this..." I mutter.

We both stop as we reach the upstairs hallway, the sound of muffled screams call out from the pink room. It sounds like a woman...she's shouting...almost begging. I bite my tongue to keep from screaming. Alex turns to me and puts a hushed finger to his lips. He then grabs a decorative vase off a shelf and lifts it high over his head. With a swift kick, he knocks the door open and rushes inside. A flash of lightning illumes the darkened room. It's empty. "There's no one here." I gasp. I lift my phone to shed some light on the darkened room. "But we both heard her, right?" I ask. Alex nods, "We definitely heard something...let's go back downstairs. I think we'll be safer there."
"Safe from what?" I ask. "I'm not sure yet..." Alex trails off.

We both reach the bottom step when the loud stomping suddenly continues upstairs. "I want to leave. I want to leave right now." I say quickly. "Stacey, the roads are flooded." Alex reminds me, "There's nowhere to go." I shake my head, "You don't know that." The stomping only gets louder and if someone is sprinting across the floorboards. I feel my heart racing as thoughts of Bryce start running through my head. Fear seeps down to the very fiber of my being, but I fight it, raising my hands to my head. "I can't...I can't do this." Alex walks over and quickly wraps his arms around me in a hug, which catches me off guard. "It's going to be okay. Everything's all right." Alex says comfortingly. I feel myself begin to calm down as I wrap my arms around him, digging my face into his neck. Then, looking over his shoulder– I see it. The young girl, just outside the window. Her transparent form almost dancing in the rain. As if in a trance, I suddenly let go of Alex and make my way to the door. "Where are you going?" Alex calls out. I ignore him and open the door. "Stacey?" I hear Alex say. The girl waves her hand, beckoning me to follow before she rushes into the forest.

I race after her without a second thought, the rain pelting me as I go. "Stacey, wait!" Alex yells. I struggle through thick mud and swaying branches as I follow the girl farther and farther. I nearly collapse into the muck, but quickly regain my balance. Up ahead, I spot a towering mountain of boulders. "Stacey! Stop!" Alex yells as he races after me. I watch as the young girl races to the top of the boulders and points down. I look around for a way up the rocks when Alex suddenly appears beside me. "What the hell are you doing out here?" He demands. "I don't know. I was following her." I explain, "I think she wanted me to come out here." Alex glances around the woods. "Who?" He asks. I hesitate only for a moment before answering. "Charlotte." Alex shakes his head, "Stacey, Charlotte's dead." I nod, "I know that!"
"Then how could you be following her?" Alex demands, "Dammit, let's get back to the cabin. The storm's getting worse." I shake my head and look back at the boulders. "She was pointing at something." I point to the top of the rocks. "I think something's down there." Alex shakes his head and massages his temples. "Stacey, you're not thinking straight. Whatever happened back there, it scared me too. I understand that."
"What if she wants to help us?" I ask. Alex rolls his eyes before taking my wrist and leading me back to the cabin. We're both surprised to find the lights inside are on, shining through the windows. "How did that happen?" I ask. Alex shrugs, "The generator probably kicked in. Hurry up, we need to get out of this rain." He pulls me forward as he sprints toward the door. I refuse to take a step further. "You can't stay out here. We need to go back inside." Alex says firmly. I shake my head. "No, there's something in that cabin. I think it's haunted." Alex rolls his eyes. "Haunted? By Charlotte? She wouldn't hurt you." He scoffs. "Not just her. Someone else– or something. I don't want to wait around and find out." I reply. Alex crosses his arms, "Who do you think is haunting this cabin?" I shrug, "I don't know. I thought it was Bryce, coming back for revenge. After hearing that woman screaming...I'm not sure anymore." Alex's brows narrow. "What do you mean?" He asks. I point upstairs, "What if Charlotte's mom is also up there? What if she's been trying to scare me because she knows..." I trail off. "Knows what?" Alex demands. "...That I'm just like the man who hurt Charlotte. I'm a murderer. What if she wants to punish me?" I ask, taking a slight step back. Alex shakes his head, "I don't believe in ghosts, Stacey. You shouldn't either." I grip my shaking hand, remembering Alex's words earlier about having a backbone. "Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not true," I state. Alex nods slowly. "That's true. But, in this case, I know for a fact you're wrong." He replies. "How?" I ask. My hysteria rises in my shaking voice which quickly turns into a scream. "Because– I know."

    "How?" I demand, "You can't promise me Maggie Caldwell, Charlotte's mother, isn't in there trying to scare me." Alex nods. "Let's say ghosts do exist and there is something up there. I guarantee you Maggie Caldwell isn't the one trying to punish you. Now, let's get inside and dry off before we both get pneumonia." I hesitate taking a step toward the cabin. "How can you be so sure?" I ask and shiver. Alex curses before answering. "Because Maggie Caldwell isn't dead."

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