“Oh my gosh, really?” the girl asks.

          “Yeah. I heard Karen thinks Peter’s cheating on her. In fact, she even saw Peter with an amateur model at the movies over winter break when they were supposed to meet for a date.”

          Peter is cheating on Karen? Now, I’m angry. He has the nerve to cheat on Karen? I didn’t sacrifice my first love just so they could mess it up.

          I stand up, causing everyone to look at me. They start whispering but I just swing my bag on my shoulder before running outside into the hallway. Peter should be in Biology right now. I run to Biology and the teacher hasn’t arrived there either.

          Peter’s sitting in the back with obnoxious boys.

          “Peter!” I call. Everyone stares at me. Peter looks up and his eyes widen. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

          He quickly nods. This is the first contact I’ve made with him for a while. Usually, I can’t stand being near Karen or Peter because they’re both disgustingly sucking their faces off just to piss me off. 

          Peter walks up to the front of the room where I’m standing. People are watching, anticipating our next moves. It must all seem like a movie to them: best friends fighting over one dude and then having more drama. I might as well give them a good show.

          I smile at Peter. “I just wanted to say that I’m very thankful to you.”

          He looks at me weirdly. “For what?”

          “For this,” I smile sweetly. I grab his collar and pull him close to me…so my foot can reach his crotch. Thank to Brent, my older brother who taught me self-defense, I give Peter a real powerful kick in the balls.

          Peter groans as he bends down holding whatever’s left of his man body part.

          “And not to mention this,” I say, curling up my hand in a fist and hitting him right in the jaw. His head moves—almost in slow motion like in the movies—to the side and I can see blood in his mouth. “Oh! And I almost forgot.” I take the opportunity while he’s bending to give him a good old kick in the chest, which send him flying backwards to the ground. I almost enjoy beating him up. It gives me a chance to get my anger and sorrow out—including my disappointment on Lee.

          When I’m done, I smoothen my clothes and make sure there’s no blood on it. I pick up my bag, which probably fell on the ground while I was beating the crap out of Peter. The classroom stares at me with wide eyes and terrified stares.

          I take a bow and smile at them. Hope you enjoyed the show, I think.

          In that moment, I take my leave and head back to Chemistry, hoping Mr. Kingston hasn’t gotten there, yet. Don’t want to be late for class.

*           *             *               *               *             *

“You have to put feelings into your art,” Ms. Parker says, using her hands in mid-air to show us. “Express yourself within your art and it will turn out beautiful.” She has a hint of a Spanish accent whenever she talks.

          Art class is one of the few freelance classes. We don’t have to strictly do something. Ms. Parker gives us choices and just lets us do whatever—as long as it has to do with art—while she goes on her computer and plays opera music.

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