Chapter Thirty-Two

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Dedicated to @conscience for the cover to the side! And for being a swag friend and writer! Check out our collab “Friendly Affairs” if you haven’t already. Involves fake lesbians and a boy under one roof.

Chapter Thirty-Two

“I’m more of a tea person,” I say, gripping the small white cup of milk tea. There’s still steam rising from it and I watch as it moves from the tea’s surface to the air. I catch eyes with the woman who dragged me down to the hotel’s little cafe. Turns out that five star hotels have a ton of rooms—gyms, restaurants, pools. I would live here like Lee if I could afford it all.

            Her eyes are blue and sharp, like she knows exactly what she’s going to do and has her entire life planned to perfection. She’s smart and confident. I can tell by the way she holds herself. There’s just a vibe around her.

            “Who are you?” I ask, taking both hands and sipping my tea. I know who she is but I’ll just let her confirm it.

            “Penelope Adams,” she replies. She reaches up and takes off her sunglasses—it’s about time too because we’ve been inside the whole time. “I’m sure you know very well who I am.”

            True. I’ve read articles on her and seen pictures after stalking her when I first learned about her. Even when I bumped into her, I felt like I recognized her but I dismissed the idea of meeting her in real life because well, she’s a little intimidating and I just want to curl up in my bed and cry about Mom at the moment.

           Get a damn grip,  I scold myself. This is Lee’s fiancee.

            “Yes, I have a slight idea,” I say. I sit straighter. I have no idea what she’s like. She could be your typical bitch or she could be more mature. I’ll have to appear like I know what I’m doing till then.

            “Good,” Penny says. She reaches for her coffee, dark and black with no sugar or cream at all. I don’t understand how people can drink black coffee. It’s just so sour and dark. “I think you know what I’m here to talk about. No more mind names. We are obviously here to talk about Lee.”

            I take a sip of my tea but for some reason it tastes sour, no doubt because of the words coming out of her mouth. And as if the sugar will help bring back my appetite, I reach for a pack and sprinkle it into my cup. I’m stirring the spoon when I say, “Okay, let’s talk about Lee.”

            “I’m his fiancee,” Penny says through her perfectly pink lips.

            “I know that,” I say a bit too rudely. “Sorry,” I mumble.

            She ignores me. “I love him.”

            I stop stirring my spoon and look up at Penny. Her hair is dirty blond but is curled in soft waves. Her lips are colored a light pink and eyes brighter than Lee’s blue ones. She has high cheekbones and is dressed to impress. She means business and she is not messing around.

            “So do I,” I say just as positively back. I don’t dare hesitate. Lee is fighting his own battles and trying to speak to his mother for me. I can surely talk to Penny.

            Penny scoffs as if I told her that snakes were growing out of her head like Medusa or something. “That’s hilarious.”

            “Is it?” I don’t know how I’m talking so calmly or how I’m not backing down from the goddess looking woman but I’m not. Lee has given me this new found courage. No, actually I’ve always had the balls the do these things but Lee, like a steroid, has tripled my usual effect.

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