Chapter Ten

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"Hmm?" My vision blurs and I blink sharply as I pull my gaze away.
Glen's eyebrows furrow when I finally look at him.
He clears his throat.
"I was asking...if you wanted a tea?"
I feel my face burn in a mist of heat.
Double shit.
He sits down, blue eyes squinting at me slightly. He sighs slowly.
"I know it's hard."
"You really don't."
"You need to let go."
I shake my head viciously, frowning.
"You don't fucking get it; I'm trying!"
"Watching her kiss him isn't exactly going to help you move on though, is it?"
His hand presses into shoulder as I bury my face into my hands. His voice is stern yet soft against my raging emotions.
"Dan. Danny. Look at me." I blink at him, emotions already flickering behind my eyelashes. "You need put yourself first this time. You need to write. You need to sing. And I know it hurts but you need to allow yourself to let go."
I peer at the new couple behind the glass windows.
She's smoking a cigarette as Mark storms around while calling on his phone. It is a different scene from the make-out session I saw earlier.
He ends the call and stuffs his phone back into his jeans pockets. He moves over to were she is hunched over, watching ash fall to her feet. He pecks her lips and she moves away slightly, burying her mouth in her sleeve. He mumbles something but she looks away.
That's when she looks at me.
I feel my lungs twist and I pull my gaze away.
"Here's your tea, Dan."
"I don't think..."
He sits back down but I don't look at him, I stare endlessly at the dark haired girl who's trying her hardest not to look back.
"I...I don't think I can do that, Glen."
"Do what?"
"I'll write, sing and I'll even bring the band back together but I can't let her go."

Later, I'm writing hurriedly into my iPhone. My heart is pumping, brain for once feeling alive as I type every feeling I feel when looking at her. I write how it feels to laugh with her, how it feels when she looks at you and most of all how it feels to watch her love someone else.
But soon that will all change.
You seem so sure that she's meant for you.
I am sure. I just need to be patient and then-
And then she will break your heart again.
No. Not this time. This time she will realise-
You're dreaming, Dan. She fucking doesn't want you!
She does. She-
Even if she did have feelings for you, it's obvious she doesn't want to reveal them. She doesn't want to be with you, for fuck's sake!
I scroll through my endless notes of songs.
You should move on, Dan.
Or maybe.
I smirk.
Maybe I should make her realise what she's missing out on?

So I ditch band rehearsal. I set it up. I was going to do it. I was going to sing in front of Willow and Mark about how I loved her and how I wasn't willing to let her go. I thought somehow it would work but even if it did, the bottom line is I was never her first choice and that pissed me off. That pissed me off big time because when I look at her all I see is beauty. When she looks at me though; what does she see?
A pathetic thirty year old bloke; lonely and desperately chasing and obsessing over a woman out of his league.
I'm better than that, aren't I?
That's why I'm here. I decided to go on my own little hunt of my own to get back at her.

It's 7:59.
I should've been at rehearsal at four but instead I spent hours around a shopping centre until I found someone. Someone pretty. Someone nice.
"There's the fucker," Mark flings the front door open at the hint of my knock. "Why weren't you at-who's that?"
I smile, tightening my arm around the young woman stood next to me.
"This is Amelia."
"Amelia, hi. I just, well-"
"It's okay, honesty." The blonde haired woman smiles, stretching her arm out to shake Mark's hand. "It's lovely to meet you, uhm,"
"Mark." He tells her as he wraps his pas around hers.
He raises his eyebrows, lips twitching uncertain whether to be pleased or not.
"Well...come in." He offers as he steps away to the kitchen.
I open the door briefly to allow her to walk in first.
"Your friend?" Amelia questions and I nod; not really interested in what she has to say.
"Where's Willow?"
"Hmm? Oh, she's out with some mates." Mark told me as he switches the kettle on. "Tea?"
"That would be lovely, thank you."
He smiles at the new comers politeness and pats my shoulder as we turn away from her.
"She's a keeper."
I turn back to her where she sits at the table. She's dressed in a flannel with hair formed in a golden plait. Her lips; a ruby red and the cover has a stutter ring attached.
She smiles up at me and I breathe out a chuckle before looking away again.
She really is gorgeous, isn't she?
But... she's not Willow.
Let's hope this stupid plan works then.
It will.


I know it may seem quite complicated right now but it will all make sense soon.
Thank you for the votes and the lively comments.


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