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Third Person POV


It was a normal day in the Phantomhive house hold. Sebastian and Victoria's relationship had only grown and the same goes for Ciel and Elizabeth. They had finally gotten into a normal routine. The butlers would serve their masters breakfast while smiling at each other occasionally and the masters would eat in peace. Then they would retire to Ciel's study, hand in hand. While they were making out in the private room, the butlers would have their own make out session. Every one was happy, until disaster struck.


Victoria POV

Every one was currently in the dinning room, including the servants. Sebastian and I had just served the masters their food.

"Thank you, Victoria!" Elizabeth giggled. I smiled gently.

"You're quite welcome, my Lady." I stepped back and watched Sebastian as he served Ciel. He bent over the table to set down Ciel's plate. He does indeed have a nice butt, I thought with a smirk. Sebastian turned around and caught me smirking. He gracefully raised an eyebrow. I simply smiled and ignored his questioning glare.

"Sebastian, did you hear me?" Ciel questioned. Apparently I had managed to distract the handsome butler. I smirked and winked at Sebastian in victory. He glared at me and I had to struggle to control my laugh.

"I'm sorry, my Lord. What did you ask?"

"I wanted you to examine the garden. Elizabeth has noticed some drooping flowers." Sebastian looked I her for confirmation.

"It's true. Several flowers have started to lose their color and wilt."

"I shall tend to them immediately." He bowed, in which I took the opportunity to look at his ass again, and left the room. I continued to Stan by my Lady, just as a faithful butler should. I closed my eyes, enjoying the momentary peace. I was brought out of my musings when Elizabeth poked my stomach.

"Yes, my Lady?" She looked up at me with adoration. She motioned for me to come closer so Ciel wouldn't hear.

"I saw you looking at Sebastian's butt."

"W-What? You might need glasses," I lied.

"Silly! Demons don't need glasses!"

"What are you two whispering about?" Ciel asked. We both snapped to attention and looked at the bluenette.

"Nothing, Ciel!" We both said at the same time. Ciel sweat dropped and brushed us off. We both let out a sigh of relief. Elizabeth turned again to me to say something else, but my demons senses came to full attention. I put a finger on her lips.

"Victoria? What's wron-" I cut Ciel off too. I used my demon hearing to focus on the intruder. The reason for sudden aggression was that I saw a shadow pass by the window. And it wasn't human, a human couldn't go that fast. It was also male. I knew that it wasn't Sebastian because the garden is on the otherside of the manor. The scent was unsettling. It was the scent of a real demon. Not one that accepted humans, but one that ate humans for fun and pleasure. Killed them for sport.

"Please listen to me. Do as I say and you two will be fine," I gently commanded. I didn't care if she would be mad at me for being too forceful. My top priority was their safety. I motioned for them to get up and head for the door. Ciel grabbed Elizabeth's hand and quietly guided her to the door. Before they could reach it, a figure burst in through the window. The glass shattered and was thrown everywhere. I grabbed every piece that was aimed at my masters before it could reach them. The figure turned its attention to me. Luckily, it headed straight for me. The figure lunged at with me with such incredible speed that I didn't have time to dodge. Our arms clashed and he pushed me back. My heels dug into the hard wood floor. He slammed me against the wall. I quickly recovered and looked into his eyes. They were bright orange with a yellow circle in the center. A fang was sticking out of the corner of his mouth, followed by a snake like tongue. He dragged his tongue from my collar bone to my jaw. I grimaced as the silica started to burn. Poison! I struggled to get away, but she forced me against the wall. He smashed his lips to mine and shoved his tongue down my throat. I felt the poison sink into my blood vessels and quickly spread throughout my body. I immediately felt the side affects. I felt sluggish and it felt like my entire body was on fire. I managed to kick out his feet from under him. I jumped over him and ran to protect my masters.

"Who are you?"

"I am Derek, and I will destroy you." He lunged at me again. We both clashed in midair.

"Be careful Victoria!" Elizabeth screamed. I stared to panic as his attention changed from me to Elizabeth.

"It seems that we have a new player," the demon said. My heart plummeted to my stomach as he changed direction and lunged at her. I threw away all logic and ran to her, throwing away my own safety. Everything happened in slow motion. Sebastian entered the room, the enemy charged Elizabeth, he readied his claws to strike her heart, and I jumped in front of her to protect her with my own body. As his claws sunk deep into my chest, I could see Sebastian's face change from one of surprise to one of terror. I smiled at him and said to him something that I've wanted to say for a long time.

"I love you," and Derek finished the blow and ripped his hand out if my chest. Blood splattered on the floor as Derek disappeared into thin air.

"VICTORIA!" Screamed Sebastian, but I couldn't hear him. With the wound an the poison combined, I knew that I wouldn't make it. At least I told him how I feel. I gave a weak smile at Sebastian before I let the darkness consume me.

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