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Third Person POV


It had been a week since Ciel and Elizabeth confessed their feelings. Their relationship had been going smoothly. They would often hold hands and blushing was now a common event. Both of the butlers found it adorable.

"It beings me joy to see my Lady so happy," commented Victoria.

"I have to agree. My Lord's soul has gotten even sweeter with him being reunited with his love," Sebastian replied.

"What are you two talking about?" Ciel asked. They were outside in the manor gardens eating an afternoon snack.

"Nothing, my Lord."

"Whatever, just bring us some tea,"

"Yes, my Lord." Sebastian walked of into the manor. He fixed some of his master's favorite tea, Earl Gray. He came out with the tea cart, and was surprised when he saw Victoria. She was leaned over, Elizabeth whispering something inti her ear. His eyes went wide as he saw a small brush form on her check. She... She looks cute, Sebastian thought. He had to fight down his own blush.

"I never thought that I would see the day when I see you blush," called Sebastian. Victoria whipped around to look him in the eyes, Sebastian became curious when her blush only deepened. A smirk appeared in his face as he formulated a plan to tease her. He left the cart at the table and walked to her. He leaned down to her height, their noses only centimeters apart. He put his hand on her forehead.

"My, my, Victoria. Are you running a temperature? Your face is cherry red," Sebastian teased. She slapped his hand away.

"N-No! What are you talking about! I'm in perfect health, demons can't get sick!" She said, obviously flustered. Sebastian continued to smirk as Elizabeth giggled in the background. She glared at Elizabeth and composed herself. "Well. Since it's obvious that you two are fine with Sebastian, I'll excuse myself." She bowed and walked back into the manor.

"Oh dear, I think we made her mad," commented Elizabeth.

"Well you two shouldn't nags teased her to mercilessly," said Ciel, sipping his tea.

"You teased her too, Lady Elizabeth?" Asked the demon butler.

"Yes, but it was before you came back out. What I told her was-"

"I know that she wouldn't want Sebastian to know what you said, Lizzie," interrupted Ciel.

"Fine. You're probably right," Elizabeth sighed as she also took some tea.

I wonder why she wouldn't want me to know? Wait... Is that what was making her blush earlier? Sebastian thought, I suppose I should apologize. Sebastian excused himself and headed towards Victoria's room, which was right next to his. He gently knocked on the door.

"Come in," Victoria said. Sebastian frowned at her tone of voice. She sounded sad. He opened the door and saw Victoria laying face down on her bed, still in her uniform. He sat himself on the edge of the bed and gently started to rub her back. She tensed at first, but slowly began to relax.

"I am deeply sorry if I offended you in any way. I suppose I took the teasing a little too far."

"Ya think?" She sarcastically said, her voice muffled by the pillow. Sebastian chuckled. Victoria turned over and glared at him.

"So, what did Lady Elizabeth say to get you so bothered?" Sebastian asked as he watched that adorable blush re appear on her face.

"We were just talking,"

"About what?" Sebastian leaned in closer.

"N-Nothing of importance."

"Hm. I never thought that I would hear you stutter,Victoria," he whispered seductivly in her ear. She shivered.

"I won't tell you," she trembled. Sebastian suddenly nipped at her ear lobe. She yelped in surprise. "Fine! I'll tell you."

"Finally," Sebastian pulled back to let her sit up as well.

"We... we were talking about you."

"Okay, well that about me made you blush?"

"You know my Lady, she can something's have a dirty mind."

"Oh really? I did not know that. What exactly did she say?" Sebastian was enjoying himself, but he didn't expect what she said next.

"She asked me what I thought of your butt..." Sebastian sweat dropped and nearly feel off of the bed at her answer, but he recovered. He walked over to her side of the bed and sat down beside her. She was hiding her face behind her hands, her long hair cascading over her shoulders. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. he almost got lost on her ocean eyes.

"And what do you think of my butt?" At the question, her face lit up like a firework.

"I-I think it's... Nice."

"That's all?"

"Yes!" She angrily pushed the crow demon away. He smirked and pushed her back onto the bed, their noses touching. Before Sebastian could stop himslef, he slammed his lips upon hers. After Victoria overcame the initial shock, she eagerly kissed back with full force. They fought for dominance, in which Sebastian obviously won. Their lips molded perfectly together. Sebastian's firm lips melting into Victoria's soft ones. Just as Sebastian was tracing her lips with his tongue, Ciel and Elizabeth burst into the room. The two demons froze, Sebastian still on top of Victoria. Ciel immediately covered his fiancés eyes and smirked at the two.

"Ha! Revenge is sweet. Serves you two right for interrupting me and Lizzie," Ciel teased. The butlers jumped apart, both flustered and blushing. The masters left the room, still chuckling.

"It seems our masters... have a point," Victoria said, out of breath.

"So it seems. I suppose that we did deserve that, but I will finish what I started," and with that, Sebastian left the room, leaving behind a frustrated Victoria in his wake.

"Ug. That damn demon..." Victoria straightened herself up and continued her daily chores.


It seemed that the Phantomhive manor was back to normal, or at least as normal as it could get, but little did they know that everything was about to change.

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