about .

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naomi's and miguel's mothers grew up together. they've been best friends since they were in middle school.

they decided they wanted to have kids and live together. it was cute, but the kids hates each other.

naomi would see miguel and her whole mood would change. same thing with miguel, he would mostly stay in his room most of the day.

naomi's mom would purposely tell her to go get miguel for dinner since he's always inside that hell hole. He would just tell her to get away from his door.

naomi stopped trying to make amends with him, he's too stuck up with himself and don't know how to take an apology.

it's something that happened years back...

see, naomi and miguel used to be the best of friends. they always did everything together. he'd play dolls with her , and she'd play cars with him. they used to be close.

that's until they got into middle school. 7th grade changed them. a lot. naomi would hang around the 'popular' kids and kind of left miguel.

he tried to warn her about them, but her being her, she didn't listen. she was just happy the popular kids knew her.

the popular kids would pick on miguel for not knowing how to speak english properly. he could only understand it good at the time.

naomi didn't defend him well, because she didn't wanna lose her new "friends"


my friends and I were walking into lunch when they spotted miguel. "there he is!" one of the girls said and the leader of the group just smirked.

i already knew what they were up to so when we all walked up to miguel's table , i just felt out of place.

"what's up, you little non-english speaking freak. no one wants you here! not even naomi, isn't that right?" she asked me as everyone looked, including miguel.

i looked at miguel with a regretful and sadden reaction and just nodded.
the leader laughed and slammed her hands on his table. "you can take that weird little language back to where you came from, we only except english speakers." one of her little minions said as they all laughed but me.

"hey!" this girl came up. "stop bullying him for something he connot control! it's wrong and messed up. this is embarrassing." the random girl spoke.


she obviously got hurt in the end and regretted her decision. it was racist and she knew that. she just wish she could take back what she did.

she didn't do anything to stop it and she regrets it, so she thinks it's her fault that they are"enemies" now.

it is. you can't lie, but she just wish he knew that she didn't mean for it to go that far. she misses talking to him. she misses her best friend.

miguel still doesn't forgive her after what happened 3 years ago. he couldn't believe she would actually do that. she'd let them bully him and now his confidence just went crushing down.

they're both in 10th grade now, and obviously go to the same high school but luckily for miguel, the bully's moved to a different one. so it's just him and naomi. every time he saw her he'd just walk the other direction.

he misses her too, he misses her a lot. but he just can't find himself forgiving her after what she did. it was backstabbing since they've both experienced the same thing.  (kind of)

naomi got bullied for being black at one point. miguel tried his best to stand up for her but every time he spoke, no one could really understand him.

at the end of the day, they miss each other but naomi isn't gonna keep wasting her time trying to earn his trust again.

if he doesn't like her, he doesn't like her..

*i love this chapter wtf*

Enemies to Lovers. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang