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I should've known that my idea was better and succumbing to her request was a bad idea. I managed to distract her after we both fell down into the ocean, leaving us all wet in our full clothes. Hence, taking it off seemed a good idea and it took us a few hours for showering, sending our clothes to get laundered and changing into our dry clothes. And doing anything in between that was not appropriate to write in here, but you got the gist.. with us, being on honeymoon and all. Anyway, after that, she kept sending me death glare since she couldn't contact anyone from her team and the wi-fi signal was terrible so there was no way for her to communicate with the outside world. That was actually my plan, but since she was pouting and all, I finally caved and asked my manager to get the local SIM card for her.

And that was my mistake. Ever since she got the SIM card, in the morning, right after she opened her eyes, she grabbed her phone and started replying to her messages. It took her an hour at least to get through the messages. Usually the messages were reports from her residents, updating her about her patients' condition and she would reply for treatment plans. That was why it took such a long time because she typed a lot. Really. On the second day she complained about not having her laptop so she couldn't log in into her messaging apps on her laptop and had to reply from her phone. She ended up hurting her thumb because she had to type so long to reply to her messages. And then, after an hour, I had to pull her phone and hide it so she would eat breakfast and then dipped in the pool or the ocean with me. After a few hours of swimming and just fooling around, we finally got into the shower and of course, I had to fool around in the shower as well. It would take around an hour or more for us to finally come out of the bathroom.

Then I would order our lunch to get delivered to our bungalow because I prefer privacy. But after a few days being cooped up in the bungalow, I thought I would take Ellie out for lunch for the rest of our stay here. After that, I couldn't do anything to stop her from reaching her phone again. Usually after lunch, her residents would update her again if there were some changes or any emergencies questions. On the first day, I let it go, thinking that it might be really important and her job involved people's life so what could I do about it? But on the second day, I started to get annoyed when her hands were practically glued to her phone.

"Babe," I pulled her phone and she hissed at me, "I'm pretty sure they can survive for an hour or two without you," I tugged her phone again and she tried to type her reply as quickly as possible before I took it away from her. "Do I need to remind you that we're on our honeymoon? In which world would someone keep working on their honeymoon?"

She would look apologetic, but she would repeat it the next day. Which I had enough.

"Ellie! Don't make me throw your phone into the ocean!" I finally gave her a fair warning and that made her put her phone down. So, aside from replying to her messages in the morning, she would refrain from touching her phone again until after dinner.

"Where are we going?" Ellie frowned when she saw me putting on some clothes after taking a shower. Usually, I wouldn't bother putting on some clothes and just put on some shorts. But today, I was planning to take her out for lunch, so I had to put on some clothes to look decent in public.

"We're going out for lunch. You've been cooped up in this bungalow for three days now, so let's not waste our last two days here to only be inside the bungalow. After lunch, we would go kayaking so bring your swimsuit to change afterward." She looked excited at the prospect of seeing the outside world and she hurriedly packed a small bag to bring her swimsuit and all the toiletries that she would need and changed her clothes as well.


Jackson surprised me when he told me that we were going out for lunch. He's been keeping me so busy inside the bungalow for the past three days that we didn't have the chance to look around nor step outside the resort. I didn't know what changed his mind and I didn't want to question his intention either, just in case he changed his mind. Walking on dry land, finally! And to wear something other than a swimming suit for once was exciting. I whipped out my denim shorts and my racer tank tops and put it on quickly. I slathered more sunscreen on my arms and my shoulder, and some parts of my back that I could reach so I wouldn't burn and announced that I was ready. Jackson put a straw hat on my head and told me to wear a pair of sunglasses since it was quite bright outside.

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