chapter 5 - new boy likes me?

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As I walk to class Remy runs up behind me and screams extremely loudly "Matieee! Wait up!!!" I shoot a death glare at him but he doesn't seem to notice. Sooooo Matie...." he trails off. "What" whats advanced science like? I slightly blush pink at the way he has a goofy smile on his chiseled face. I duck my face letting my hair engulf it and respond with "It's harder than regular science I guess." "Well of course it is you, idiot." His smile became brighter... so did my cheeks, but that's beside the point. We walk the rest of the way in silence- not an uncomfortable one, but still silence.

    After science, we have a few more periods of school. All equally boring since they were just explaining rules today, but as we walk into phys ed something changes about my mood. We walk in and are ushered to the back of the classroom. The teacher lays down some basic rules then shows us to the locker room. It doesn't seem to be as moldy as last year- maybe they cleaned it? I'm zoning out again how shocking. The teacher calls my name and I realize he's giving locker assignments. I expect to hear the two words "Remembrance Stahl" come out of the teacher's mouth for the next locker, but they don't. Instead, it's a different boy- a small and fragile not to mention nerdy looking one. After the teacher is done lecturing us. there is about 15 minutes left of class so we play a game.

Even though we're playing noodle tag- a game for 2nd graders, we still have to change into our gym clothes. I finish and then turn my head to see what Remy's doing, but it seemed I turned around at the wrong time because he's half naked. His shirt is off revealing his strong build and toned abs. We make eye contact at the same time. My cheeks catch on fire and my legs feel a tad bit wobbly. If I don't get out of this room I am going to collapse. And try to run out but can barely sustain myself so end up speed walking instead. What the hell? I've barely known the guy for a day and I'm already getting a crush. I have SO many reasons of just how this could go wrong. Remy comes out a minute later and the teacher separates the class into different groups. Of course, Remy is in my group I mean... Why wouldn't he be?

At the end of the day, I walk out of school "with" Remy. I'm practically running away from him, and he's trying hard to catch up. "Yo Matie!" "I said not to call me that Remembrance," I said that with such bitterness that even I felt bad. But he didn't let his smile falter at that- and neither did his eyes. "Your right you know... But I did tell you to call me Remy." He has a wicked grin on his face making him appear VERY sexy. "Whatever I don't care." "Alright then...See you later Matie.~" He shoves a slip of paper into my hand and smirks. I shove it into my pocket and don't get to say bye before he hops on the bus. What the fuck just happened?

About 3 hours later (just assume it's like 6 pm) I'm sitting at my dinner table with my not to mention extremely Catholic father. I poke at my plate not feeling very hungry at the moment. "So Mateo, how was school?" "It was ok I guess dad." "Did you make any friends yet?" I don't want to discuss this oh my goodness. "So where's mom at?" I hope he took the hint when he responds with "she's at the firm currently, there's a difficult client refusing to sign any paperwork." ah." Im, sure he dropped it but he has a look on his face like he wants to say something more. He opens his mouth too but instead shoves some potato casserole in it. "Please excuse me, dad." I don't wait for a response I just quickly rinse off my plate and run upstairs to my room.

I swing open the door and collapse on my bed. I pull my phone from its place in my pocket and the slip of paper that Remy gave me falls out onto the floor. I pick it up and unfold it to reveal the words "call me" and what I assume to be his number. I don't want to text him at this moment but somehow I end up inputting the number into the new conversation button on messages. I send a simple "hi" to him. I get a "wsp" in response. "Uh so is this Remy.. or?"

"I dunno Mattie is it? ;)" This dick... "fuck you." "Wow, Mattie u really know that ur like a neutered chihuahua right?" "WHAT TF DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" "A neutered chihuahua <3 cause ur all bark no bite :)!" "I hate you sm" "Yeah right you love me ;)." Is he... flirting with me? "Oh yeah?" "For sure." Well your like the goodwill version of ken (I couldn't think of any other insults lmao.) We continued on like this for several hours before I had to go. You know what... maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Hi!!!! Omg it's Sav I missed you all sm <3
It's been to long hasn't it? But I hope your enjoying the story still.. Speaking of which tysm for requesting another chapter We3iRd0!! sorry I didn't add a kiss just a little flirting ;)). Next chapter will be a time skip of about 3.5 weeks into their school year. Don't know when I'll update besties just keep me on my toes!

Story word count: 967

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