2. Empathy 

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(You can pick what kind of truck/car you are driving)

You have woken up but you are still in bed. even though you knew that you shouldn't waste any more time, but you are waiting for the smell of bacon and eggs that your mom made or pancakes Evan, thought you know that you will never have that smell in your nose. you get up and walk to the bathroom and brush your teeth and take a shower. You feel numb, the whole morning was a daze you probably spent over an hour in the shower but it felt like 10 minutes. Finally you get into your dad's truck/car and... well it isn't really his truck/car anymore is it?

You get into your truck/car and as you start it you hear the engine roar and you get a small smile on you lips. You have already packed your bags and all the things you could need because you aren't coming back now.

after entering falls end and finding pastor Jerome in the Spread Eagle bar you take a seat next to him and before you could even think of the words that you would say, your stomach speaks before you and to add to that the whole bar could probably hear you. Mary may even poked her head out the kitchen and told the cook to make something for you.

Pastor Jerome was already looking at you when you looked back at him.

"You haven't eaten i see... and you haven't slept properly, your eyes are sunken" He said. You always had a good connection with pastor Jerome and also Mary may but mostly pastor Jerome.

with the quietest tone you managed to say "I... they're dead..." you look up at him holding back tears.

"You're parents?!" He asked a little louder then you would have liked but you still nodded, now looking down to the floor as tears stream down your checks and fall to the floor. He places a hand on your shoulders and gives it a good squeeze, "kid... I'm so sorry, when?" The caution and his voice was clear to you. He didn't want to push you "yesterday... after i came back hunting. On the front lawn... shot multiple times" your voice is so shaky that you, yourself almost didn't even understand what you were saying.

"My god..." is all he could say. He was a family friend. Now only your friend and that made you sob quietly. At this point Mary came out from the kitchen with your food and saw what was going on.

Pastor Jerome gave her a look and somehow she new. She walked around the counter and gave a big beat hug. Although Mary didn't really know your family very well, the few times she met them and saw how you all fit together perfectly made her empathise with you because She lost her father to the cult as well, after the moment passed you wipe your eyes was a tissue that Mary gave you.

"So you'll need a safe place to stay, right?" Mary may asked and you nodded. "But i don't want to stay in Holland Valley i want to got to Faith's region or Jacob's" Now this made pastor Jerome and Mary may look at each other "are you sure? I understand that you want out of here, but it's far more dangerous in both  those places!" Said pastor Jerome. "Why is that?" You asked, because you didn't really know about anything that has been going on outside of Holland Valley. "Well first off in Faith's region you could get drugged and turned into an angel, and Jacob is way more dangerous because 1. He is the 'protector' of the family and could make you one of his pets. 2. He has the strongest cultists, so please stay Y/N, stay with us" Said Mary may before pastor Jerome could.

"I'm sorry but i can't stay here" you say while looking down on the counter. The numbness is back, you didn't feel bad but normally you would and just listen to them.

"Y/N, pleas think this over" pastor Jerome said with pleading eyes, but you couldn't see his eyes because yours were glued on your hand, where your nails cut your skin yesterday. You didn't sanitise your hands, but there were more important things to do then just sit around and look at your hands.

You stood up and speed walked out of the bar without a word and jumped into your truck/car.

You just had to go, because if you stayed in one place for to long you'd start to feel like a ticking bomb, so you just started driving. You knew that you were going to find a place to stay for the night but it wouldn't be your old home. Evan if you had to sleep in your truck/car.

Just then you get a radio call from pastor Jerome "Y/N i know i can't convince you but then at least free boomer so that he can protect you" the sadness and worry in his voice was clear, so you do as he asks You clear the pumpkin farm from any cultists and free boomer. He was running around a little but his energy died down very quickly.

As he slowed down you followed him with your eyes and saw his owners, walking towards boomer you felt tears in your eyes and not just because they looked exactly what the cult did to your parents, it was because you felt bad for boomer. You were somewhat happy because you thought your never going to feel anything other them that numb feeling ever again.

After a moment of silence you kneeled down next to boomer and said to him quietly "we are going to find a good place for your owners and bury them boy" as you finished your sentence boomer as if he understood you stood up and jumped onto your truck/car.

But before you picked boomers now dead owners up you went into the house to look around, and found a pictures of boomer sitting in fron of the pumpkin farm, you didn't hesitate to take it.

You were loading up boomers owners so you can bury them somewhere peacefully.

After driving around a little you asked boomer if he like the spot you stopped at, he barked once so that means a yes... 'yes' you swore to never say that word again unless your life depends on it. But you didn't feel that nauseating feeling in your stomach, 'is it because of boomer?' You asked yourself as you placed boomers owners in their grave (you already dug it out) and with that being done, you felt sad again... probably because you had to keep yourself busy otherwise you were constantly thinking about your parents.

But anyhow, the place where you buried boomer's owners was freakishly close to Jacob's region.

As you were getting in your truck/car you asked boomer "What do you say boom? Wanna take a look at Jacob's region?" Boomer once more as if he understood you barked happily. A smile was now on your lips and with that the engine started and you sped towards the bridge that was protected by cult members.

Did you slow down? No. Were you scared that you might crash? Also no. So as if there were no cult members at all you just stepped on the pedal to get faster. You hit multiple cult members just to be sure they get a painful death. With that you were in Jacob's region.

But oh, oh, poor, poor you. You didn't know that Jacob had cameras EVERYWHERE, and you cough his attention with your little road rage.

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