1. 'Live your life fearlessly'

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You have been living in John's region (Holland Valley) near fall's End with your parents, You choose to live together after all the bullshit went down with the cult and all to keep each other safe, that worked for a while till the cult found you. And you were out hunting because food was running low and it was your turn to go hunting, but sadly you made the mistake for going early in the morning before your parents have woken up.

You were gone for a long time and when you couldn't catch any deer only a few rabbits you decided to go home. The path you and your parents have created was a great way to take cover anytime you needed it, to hide from cultists or anything. Well you could hear car's driving your way, you didn't think anything of it till you saw that it weren't cars, no they were white trucks a.k.a. Cultists were in them. You took cover after a brief moment of panic because they were coming from your house. (it's a one way road so that's why) after they drove by you took off running, hoping that nothing has happened at least to your parents. When you arrived at your house you found your parents on the front lawn, and they had multiple gunshot wounds in their chests and also a few on the house (a little like boomer's owners) you have dropped the rabbit's you were holding a long time ago but you wished that you would still have them in your hands because now your nails were digging into your palm to the point that you have drawn blood.

You broke down crying and sobbing over their lifeless bodies. you started stroking your mom's check and holding your dad's hand, then you switched (stroking your dad's check and holding your mom's hand)

You did that for a while (around 10-15 minutes) and after that your eyes were hurting to the point that you couldn't ignore anymore. You saw that the garage door hasn't been opened so you stood up and opened it to see your dad's truck/car was still standing there (your favourite truck/car) it was beautiful as always, your dad took pride in cleaning it and never let you drive it. Your mom also loved that car and was convinced that it was like a lucky charm, because always when your dad got back from anything dangerous and far away there wouldn't be even a single scratch on it.

You smiled at the memory and realised that, that wouldn't happen anymore. Because your parents were just a few feet/meters away from you. Lifelessly laying on the now blood stained grass.

You gathered yourself as much as you could because now you had to be strong. Your parents have always told you that 'nowadays even breathing is dangerous, so when anything happens to us you'll have to be strong, honey and live your life fearlessly' so with that you took a shovel from the basement and put it in the truck as well as your parents. And you took of you go and bury them (to your favourite spot)

The sun has started to set now and it was a beautiful sunset an orange, yellow, violet colour palette.

The drive back home was way too long and painful, but you managed to get thought it. You parked in the garage and went to your bedroom without eating any dinner. Now the re-realisation that you wouldn't smell the awesome breakfast your mom made in the morning anymore. But you'll have to plan soon of where you'll be going to stay because it wasn't safe here anymore "I'll go and talk to pastor Jerome the next day" you said as you drifted of to sleep.

Authors note: hiiii! Sorry that this is so short but i am so tired this took me an hour to write literally because i was just finished with crying and that's where i was like "imma read some Jacob x reader fan fiction" and after that i was like "bro... imma just write my own man" so yeah:) and i hope you'll like this, but if you don't that's fine because i only do thees for fun.

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