(1) Tips:

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For your information, this is for educational purposes.

The first thing you have to do is get bored. Yes. Get bored is the first step. Secondly, pick your favorite subject (mine is fairy tail fan-fiction but this is for you to decide. You also need to find a wiki page/website for said subject. The paragraph below goes deeper into the process. :)

Since I like fairy tail, that's what we are doing. When I'm bored I love to browse the following website: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page. Go to the search bar and search something you don't know a lot about. About three million articles show up. Click a random one. Read the entire article and as ideas flow out of your head, put them down on paper. It doesn't matter how stupid they seem because 'the guy who invented the pool noddle is a now a multi-billionaire'. They don't have to be complete sentences, as long as the display the basic idea, you're good to go. Bullet points, flow charts, it doesn't really matter, as long as it shows the idea.

Decide on characters. That's the next step. If you're doing something that has an Oc, please use names that fit the fan-fiction.

 Anti-Example: FMA fan-fiction has a character named Haruhi. This is wrong on soooooo many levels. Haruhi, is a Japanese name. Amestrius is supposed to be like Germany during world war two. It is refereed to several times. 1) the leader is called a fuehrer, the leadership of Germany back during WW2. 2)In the movie for the orginal series, Edward Elric get's sent to our world when he dies... IN GERMANY DURING WORLD WAR 2!!!!

Another reason is the fact that all the characters have names for eastern Europeans, Edward, Roy, Jean, Kain, Bradly, Dante (italian), rose, alex, alphose and many more. The only exception to this rule is izumi, winry and granny pinko. I'm guessing that Izumi and Granny Pinko were devoloped before all the other characters or parents were from another country, Winry on the otherhand was a false transltion of the name 'Windy' or 'Wendy'. The only this name could be possible is if the charcter was from Xing or Creta. Anyway, I just went on a HUGE rant. Sorry.

For this story, I decided on the name 'Kiyoshi Lockwood'. I based her name off of her personality, which was pure an child-like, when she named herself. Her last name is something she also made up, since the only valuable thing she owned was a locket made of wood. Secondly, create a backstory for said character. Write that down. Once again it doesn't have to be a full fledged story, just a character outline. It helps out a lot when writing. Just don't make it available to the public.

Get writing. Just dabbles. It can be completely plot-less if you like. As long as that basic idea is fufilled, you've done your part. Thank you for listening to the long 500 word rant on writeing. Just remeber: USE PERIODS!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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