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"I do not need a handmaiden, Titus, I have been leading without one for years now!"

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"I do not need a handmaiden, Titus, I have been leading without one for years now!"

The Commander's voice was stern with a restrained annoyance and horribly uncomfortable to listen to from my position outside her quarter doors. I would have much rather preferred to leave, or at least wait in another part of the Tower whilst Titus, her flamekeeper, attempted to convince her that my presence was needed, but I couldn't. I'd been sent here and this is where I had to remain until my introduction was made.

More back and forth was exchanged between the Commander and Titus, with a clear attempt to have it privately and lowly for my sake, but I still heard bits and pieces. Enough to know the Commander didn't require my presence one bit and that my new role as her handmaiden would no doubt be revoked before I even had chance to practice it.

After a painfully long few minutes spent with me avoiding the pitiful glances from the guards standing outside her doors, Titus and the Commander finally stepped out, side by side, and reluctantly so. Titus cleared his throat, making me look up suddenly. I had to remember to be courteous, like the Commander expected.

"This is Y/N Kom Trikru, Heda," Titus introduced me to her. "Your new handmaiden."

My eyes drifted from him to the Commander herself and I subconsciously straightened up at her sharp gaze. Having lived outside of Polis all my life, I'd never had need or the chance to witness the Commander up close and in person. I'd heard stories, rumours and whatever floated about town – but none of them did her justice.

Despite being around the same height as myself, she stood tall and proud; chin raised slightly; forest green eyes narrowed my way; calculating gaze trying to decipher my intentions, no doubt. She was intimidating, I wouldn't lie, even when she hadn't said a word, appearing a natural born leader. Devilishly stunning, she was, and I was never good with those who used their beauty to intimidate – intentionally or not.

"Y/N," she said slowly, enunciating every letter, as if testing it out, deciding whether it was worth keeping or not. Soft but stern, just as it had sounded before.

"It is my pleasure, Heda," was all I could think to say, assuming she'd expect that, before bowing my head. "I look forward to assisting you."

There was a pause, to which I glanced up to see if she would speak. Her eyes glanced over to her flamekeeper, the two of them having a conversation with their eyes alone, before she looked back to me once more.

"I never asked for you," she finally said, and though she was calm, I could feel the annoyance radiating from her. "The last thing I need is a handmaiden. But Titus here believes you're necessary."

I clenched my jaw subtly, trying to collect my thoughts so that I didn't speak out of turn impulsively. The truth was, I didn't want to be her handmaiden. Wait on somebody hand and foot? Act as their servant as they did an actual job? No thank you. But at such an urgent, desperate time in my
life, it was like being handed food on a silver platter. And I would have been a fool to let it go. I wasn't about to lose out on it now either.

her handmaiden // a lexa x you short story Where stories live. Discover now