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The day after Mä'reyna just couldnt think, she needed to be left alone she didnt want to speak to anyone. Luckily her father was out with the hunting group and her mother was busy creating herbal remedies so she didnt have to deal with either of them. The girl wondered through the forest touching leaves as she pasted, the girl reached her favourite spot, under a huge tree with beautiful purple leaves almost like a willow tree. She carefully removed her bow and layed in the grass closing her eyes and letting her thoughts lose.

why would lo'ak do something like that? does he not realise how much danger hes placed himself in now? if he does not win he will have to leave the clan, if he does win he must kill zeekell. Zeekell had grown to be part of their friend group, everyone cared for him.

After about an hour Mä'reyna was alerted as she heard a twig snap from somewhere within the bushes, hastely she grabbed her bow and pulled an arrow back pointing it in the direction of the noise.

"WOAH WOAH!! its me its me!!" kiri shouted jumping out of the bush holding her hands in the hair slowly walking towards the girl.

"kiri!" the other girl spoke lowering her bow, moving to sit on her knees.

"im sorry i didnt mean to disturb you, i found this place a few weeks ago" kiri said now coming to her friends side

"how are you?" she continued

"i do not know," mä'reyna sighed " your idiot brother causes me so much stress" both girls giggled sharing a small smile

"lo'ak causes everyone stress, it cannot be helped." kiri placed a comforting hand on the girls arm. Quickly reyna changed the subject, asking about if kiri feels more comfortable in the village now.

Soon after talking the girls were interrupted by the sound of a horn, rayna quickly rose to her feet a worried look across her face.

"what? what is it?" kiri spoke now standing at the girls side

"come there has been an accident within the hunting pack" reyna spoke quickly grabbing the other girls hand and hurriedly running towards her village.

The girls were greeted by a crowd of people circling something.

"olo'eyktan you may want to see this" one of the hunters spoke coming towards reyna.


The girl looked kiris way sending her a small nod of goodbye and letting go of her hand before following the man into the centre of the crowd.

As the girl looked down all she could see was her mother kneeling next to someone, crying and swaying back and forth. The girl hurriedly came to her mothers side placing a comforting arm around her before looking down and realising what was actually infront of her.

Her fathers cold, badly bruised and scratched up body lay on the floor with his head on her mother lap. Slowly the girl began checking hus pulse tears forming in her eyes . Panic once set in once she noticed her father wasn't breathing, silent sobs coming from her mother next to her.

"what.." she spoke through the tears, "what is this?" she said now turning her head to the hunters stood across from her. Now she uunderstood the crowed, she glanced at her people all with broken hearts.

"the sky people, four of their ships were near our arial hunting area, your father thought we should attack, his ikran was shot down we found him in the forest." the hunter spoke through his tears, the sudden death would have an effect on all people.

The girl rose to her feet now looking at all her people, she wiped her tears getting ready to adress them.

"The sky people murdered the olo'eyktan, my father. He was a strong and kind rular, we will seek vengeance. when they next strike we will be prepared and we will fight back and protext our lands!" she shouted holding her dagger in the air her people responding with battle crys and cheers of sorts.

"no no you cannot" jake sully spoke emerging from the crowed, "they are very powerful!"

"we are just as powerful jake sully, you have not yet seen what our clan is capable of, do not doubt the kakunan." she spoke, as fhe hunters picked up her fathers body to prepare him for his burial. The girl pulled her mother from the ground and headed towards their hut, proudly she saw her people training or sharpening weapons.

When the sky people came, they would be ready.

When the sky people came, they would be ready

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